Grey Reef Fishing Report

Wyoming’s North Platte River Fishing Report 2024

Grey Reef Flows: 8/06/24 Flows 3500cfs, Water Temp: 60  Visibility 2-3ft.  All sections fishing.
Miracle Mile Flows: 8/06/24 Flows at 2600 cfs, Temp 60 Visibility 2-3ft
Fremont Canyon: 7/09/24 500 cfs Temp 53, Vis. 3-4ft, Flows are very high
Current Hatches: Sallies, Caddis, Crane Flies, PMD, few Tricos, Hoppers are hear!
Miracle Mile Fishing Report

Wyoming’s GREY REEF Fly Fishing Report 2024

August 6, 2024…Grey Reef flows remain steady, water temps are excellent right now for trout.  We DO NOT have any fishing hours restrictions like Montana is experiencing.  Fortunately our deep reservoirs keep our water nice and cold.  Hoppers are the story here, plenty of them and IF you know where to fish them the action is excellent.  Nothing quite like a big trout blowing up a grasshopper imitation.  Guides are working very hard in  this heat but some cooler weather soon.  Call us today @307-267-2559 and book your North Platte Float Trip!

July 24, 2024 North Platte River below Grey Reef has a flow of 2100cfs, down to a better level.  Water temps are fantastic, our cool nights and very deep reservoirs keep the water being released very cold, perfect for trout.  Water clarity is good to excellent depending on which stretch your fishing.  Grey Reef has 6 or so main float sections all over 6miles and most 8-12miles long.  Lots of room to spread out, no need for bumper boats here.  Dry fly fishing is heating up and we have a lot of hoppers.  Nothing beats watching a big trout smash a dry fly, get with us soon August availability for certain guides is limited but we have some great slots open for you, Call Stewart at 307-267-2559 and book your float trip today!

July 9th, 2024 North Platte River at Grey Reef is flowing at 3500cfs, normal flows.  We have some great hatches going on including PMD’s and Caddis, and Yellow Sallies.  Streamer bite is decent, and some big browns being landed.  Water temps are perfect, and the trout are fighting hard and jumping plenty.  Its HOT, in the 90’s and near 100degrees, this should get our Hopper fishing going real soon, get on the schedule for the grasshoppers as space is limited for this very special fly-fishing opportunity.  Get your float trip booked today! Call Stewart or Shanna at 307-267-2559.

April 8, 2024.  The North Platte River Flushing Flow is OVER, ended April 4th, 2024.  Spawning Rainbow Trout are all over and the proper etiquette is to NOT walk on redds(spawning bed).  Do your part and spread the word to your fishing friends about this important conservation effort.  Grey Reef water clarity is excellent after a week plus of flushing flows.  Trout are eating readily on an assortment of flies including bwo’s.  Lower river all the way past Casper looks excellent with 3-4ft of visibility.

GRA guide Zach Hutson holds the net firm as his clients fumbles a nice rainbow in the afterbay.  Notice how the net is held in the exact right spot so when the fish flops it falls harmlessly into the net, another great conservation tip for all Anglers.

April 1, 2024, March is gone but don’t let April slip away!  April is one of if not the best fly fishing month of our season.  Pictured left is Watkins guided by Zach Hutson this past week on a guided float trip.  The North Platte River is fishing good to excellent right now.  The flushing flow ends April 5th, the fishing in the afternoons has been excellent, our guides are finding nice clear water to fly fish in and the effort is paying off.

3/13/24 Grey Reef flows are steady at 550cfs, water clarity is great from Grey Reef Dam downstream to Casper and beyond.  Streamer bite has been good with the cloudy windy days, some nice browns being fooled on smaller streamers.  Nymph fishing with the strike indicator has been very solid with some days clients landing fifty plus fish to the net.  Some great fly fishing to be had as the river is not bust at all and the fishing is excellent.  Check out the latest video clips and reels at    Take a look at some of the real quality trout Grey Reef offers.  Book your float trip today Call Stewart@307-267-2559

March 2nd Brown Trout Guide Nick Seiler

2/29/24 Leap Day! Sunshine warm and windy the last week of February as we begin the 2024 guide season with the first few boats going out this week I am reminded of just how awesome the fishing is this time of year.  Not many boats out yet and the bite is on in March!  Guide Bryant Mettler sent some guys from Montrose, Colorado home with huge smiles after a fantastic day on the upper Grey Reef section.  All sections floatable now, but water clarity on lower river is good in mornings but with the wind it is getting churned in the afternoon.  Flush Schedule: March 25-April 5 Contrary to what you may have heard the fly fishing during the flushing flow is fantastic!

Get booked today! Call 307-267-2559

2/2/24 Hard to believe it is February mid 50’s last two weeks here in Wyoming…the weather thinks its April in January…and the ice just came off the river from the Gray Reef Dam all the way to Casper proper.

Water clarity not good below Government Bridge but is clearing fast with little to zero snow in the foothills I expect water clarity to get very good very soon.

In  the meantime we are floating the upper sections, Guide Caleb Hatfield has been fishing everyday and explains the fishing is quite good both float fishing and wading.

Get on our spring float trip schedule by calling Stewart at 307-267-2559 and book your float trip today!

Lusby Boat Ramp as of 1/28/24

1/24/24 Weather has really warmed up, wouldn’t be surprised if the entire river is floatable by the weekend.  Get out and enjoy some very unseasonably warm weather here in central Wyoming.  Bryant and many other guides are out enjoying time off, some sunshine and bent rods!  Fishing is fantastic right now and will only get better as spring rolls around…and we are having spring type weather now…weird.

1/15/2024 NEW SEASON 2024 Welcome to the Grey Reef Anglers fishing report for the North Platte River. For now all stretches of the North Platte River from Grey Reef Dam to Casper are frozen except the upper couple miles below Grey Reef Dam.

The afterbay is fishing good…

as always but lookout for some shelf ice developing.  We will have more of a report as the spring ice retreats.  Notes: Get your 2024 guided float trip booked soon as many dates are already taken, IF your requesting a particular guide (ex. Nick Seiler) for your trip you need to get with us asap, Call Stewart at 307-267-2559

4/20/23 Grey Reef flowing at a happy 450cfs, while the Miracle Mile is bumpin at 2500cfs.  Grey Reef water has cleared and is fishing fantastic, flows are low for now but we expect a bump in flows around May 1.  In response to such a long winter and water temps very slowly rising the rainbow trout spawn is starting but a bit later than normal.  Grey Reef hatches include midges and starting to see some Blue Wings hatching as well.  Spring has arrived late this year but the fishing has been great and I expect a great season here on the North Platte.

3/22/23 Grey Reef Flushing flows from now until March 29.  Flows will be at 4000cfs in the early morning hours but by 10am the flows are back down to 500cfs daily.  Had 6 guide boats out last couple days and the fishing has been excellent but the weather has been abnormally cold for March.  No shelf ice remains and the river looks great!  River is floatable from Reef Dam to Casper.  Trout are mainly eating midges, scuds, leeches, mayflies, and minnows.  Dont forget there are some fantastic Browns caught each year during the flush so its a great time to fish here.  Call us and get booked today 307-267-2559

3/10/23 Grey Reef Flows steady at or around 450cfs daily.  We had guide boats out working the past few days kicking off our 2023 Season, its been a long cold snowy winter.  Excited snow pack for both Upper and Lower North Platte River Drainage is at 128% to date.  We desperately need water in the system, Pathfinder is at 33.9% of capacity.  Fishing at both the Mile and the Grey Reef are fishing very good, trout are in the winter mode and don’t fight as hard as in June but its soo nice too feel some action after a long winter.  We still have a fair amount of snow on the ground here in Casper but its melting fast,  the river is floatable to Lusby for now but I anticipate all sections open within a few days.  Call for guide boats and Lodging at 307-267-2559 Stewart.

Happy New Years 2023!  Hope you all are doing great, fly fishing report will continue when the ice out period comes, hopefully by late February.  GRA Lodge & Guides available March 1, 2023, looking forward to another fantastic year on the North Platte.

Guide Bryant on the upper Grey Reef Section.

10/7/2022 Grey Reef Flows remain at 500cfs for the remainder of fall and throughout winter.  Water clarity is exceptional creating good to great dry fly fishing each day along with some solid streamer action.  Fall on the North Platte River is un-crowded and the fishing is excellent.  The fall colors are in full swing, grab your fishing partner and get here now.  Call for guide boats and or lodging at 307-267-2559.    

8/2/22 Grey Reef Flows remain at 3000cfs which is excellent, expect flows to drop by the end of August to between 500cfs and 1000cfs.  Summer fly fishing 2022 has been nothing short of amazing here on the North Platte River.We are entering that special time of year in which dry fly fishing terrestrials is heating up.  All this heat combined with clear water conditions has the trout looking to rise to dries.  Hatches include Tricos, Caddis, PMD’s, Golden Stones, Crane Flies, Yellow Sallies.  Grab your favorite GRA guide and get on the river soon to catch the Hopper hatch.  Call GRA Lodge Manager Stewart at 307-267-2559 and book today.  NOTE: Reservations for 2023 are filling fast please get with us before your favorite dates and guides are all booked.

6/13/2022 Grey Reef flows have increased to 1800cfs, normal for this time of year.  Upper Grey Reef fishing good to excellent day to day.  Not much hatch yet as we are between hatches But starting to see some caddis and pmd’s so it wont be long.  Congrats to Kirk Douglas on a 24inch Brown Trout caught on a dry fly yesterday.  Not to be out done GRA guide Caleb Hatfield displays this nice 27inch bruiser caught 2 days ago on Grey Reef.  Well as you can tell the big fish have shown up, we finally have good flows and summer weather is here!  Call GRA today and speak to Lodge Manager Stewart for your next fly fishing float trip.

Guide Caleb Hatfield 27inch Brown caught & released.

5/9/22 Grey Reef Tailwater flows are at 450-510cfs daily.  Flows at Miracle Mile remain at 1518cfs.  Water levels below Grey Reef Dam are a little lower than usual, but the fishing has been quite good.  BWO’s and Midges are hatching daily, and the trout are keying in on the bugs.  Guides have been dealing with some wet conditions every few days fallowed by sunny dry weather.  It snowed this morning, what can we say we live in Wybeeria.  Congrats to Kathrine McCormick of Colo Springs on braving a cold wet morning on a recent guide trip but managed to land this 27inch brown pictured left.  These big fish don’t come easy or often but when it happens its an  amazing experience!  

5/2/22 Grey Reef Tailwater flows are at 507 cfs and steady.  Flows at Miracle Mile are at 1518cfs.  The fishing at Grey Reef Dam downstream to Casper proper has continued to be very good with now some bwo hatches each day.  Trout are transitioning from spawn mode to post spawn and the fish are trying to regain weight loss experienced during the spawn making the fishing great.  Water is very clear down to Government Bridge, some off color water does exist below Bates Creek but id clearing and should be fishable today with the dry weather we are having.

For your next North Platte River fly fishing vacation give GRA a call at 307-267-2559 or drop us an email at

Availability is limited for 2022 but we did have a slot open up.

Available now June 20, 21, 22 lodging/meals for up to 8 people and up to 4 guide boats for a Grey Reef/Miracle Mile.  Call Stewart today as these dates won’t last.

GRA guide Bryant Mettler displays a rainbow trout from Grey Reef Tailwater

4/18/22 Grey Reef Tailwater all sections fishing good to excellent.  Water clarity after our flush that ended April 8th has done its job and the N. Platte River is very clean from Grey Reef Dam to Casper, water clarity is great.  Trout are in full spring mode of spawning, please release fish quickly and carefully.  Blue Wing Olive (BWO) may flies are starting to hatch more consistent day by day.  Still looking for that first great dry fly day of the spring, maybe this week.  Weather has been up and down, we had snow two days ago but 70’s on the horizon, typical spring weather on the North Platte.  Call GRA Lodge Manager Stewart today at 307-267-2559 and receive the latest on fly fishing conditions and availability here at Grey Reef Anglers.

3/23/2022 Grey Reef tailwater continues to fish good while trout begin to spawn here on the North Platte River.  Water clarity is good 1-3ft depending 

on the day and if your below Carp Creek expect some cloudy conditions.  Flushing flows on Grey Reef Dam scheduled to begin this Monday March 28 and will continue until April 8th.  Grey Reef Anglers guides are reporting in with good to great days with plenty of fish to the net.  The fishing so far this spring overall has been very consistent but the weather as you can guess has not, snow one minute sunny the next.  We certainly are seeing a beautiful 

day today and the forecast looks to be into the 70’s by the weekend!

03/14/2022 Grey Reef tailwater will experience a flushing flow according to Bureau of Rec. will officially start March 31 and a flushing flow will continue until April 8th.  However, March 28 and 29th the Grey Reef Reservoir will be drained, and dam inspections will take place, therefor again according to Bureau of Rec. we will be seeing a large amount of sediment on the 28th and 29th with flushing flows starting the 31st of March continued until April 8th.  Nick and Bryant have been out guiding and are reporting good fishing at both Grey Reef and Miracle Mile.  Grey Reef continues to be muddy below Bates Creek but the upper 10miles of Grey Reef is fishing good and water clarity is fine.  Forecast for next 15days look fantastic get with Stewart at 307-267-2559 and book your North Platte Float Trip Today.

03/04/2022 Grey Reef Tailwater is fishing good and open with no ice, the big melt has the lower Grey Reef from Gov. Bridge downstream to muddy water conditions.  Most likely it will be until Tuesday when we have had a few freezing days again to slow the melt and I expect water to cleared by mid-week.  We have two guides out floating the Grey Reef today, both Matt and Bryant report back with great fishing and water clarity a little cloudy, making the fishing even better.  If you want to get out when no one is on the water now is your time!  We’ve had boats at both Mile and Reef last 3 days and there are very few fishermen out.

1/26/2022  Grey Reef upper 8miles is open and fishing good.  Staying warm and watching the weather seems to produce the most enjoyable days on the water.  We have a few die hard guides working the Grey Reef and the Mile right now.  Guides report back saying the fish look great and the past 5 days not too much wind to speak of.  Plenty of shelf ice out there so PLEASE if your out on your own be careful.  December Thru March Shoulder Season Special Grey Reef Lodge 1Day Float/1Night Lodging 2 People $625. Call Stewart 307-267-2559

Grey Reef continues to fish excellent to good each day, all stretches of the North Platte River from Gray Reef Dam downstream to Casper are fishing good with great water clarity. I took a friend fly fishing in Casper proper and the fishing was excellent. Congrats to Stewart, he snuck out with Bryant and had an excellent day including as very nice brown pictured left. Flows will remain very low as Glendo Reservoir downstream is full. Meaning we will continue to have very good to excellent water clarity and as you can tell the fishing is great. We have very limited openings from now thru mid October so please if you have fished with us and are planning a return trip call GRA today at 307-267-2559 or email us at

3/29/21 All sections of Grey Reef fishing very well as we have had guides strung out from the upper river to Casper, on the warmer days we have experienced some melt but not enough to hinder fishing. GRA guide Bryant Mettler reports back explaining that the windy conditions have been harder to deal with but the fishing has been great especially for big fish. Some snow still remains on the upper foothills but most of the snow is melted on the lower hills keeping water clarity good. GRA guide Nick Seiler with a great day of streamer action including some impressive brown trout. Hatches are mainly midges now but I have seen a few BWO’s but still sporadic hatches. Schedule for floats is as full as ever call GRA today and book your float 307-267-2559

3/17/2021 Snowstorm over! Very nice and sunny today and zero wind…North Platte River looks good for now beautiful and clear water all the way to Casper. GRA guide Bryant Mettler braving the cold weather and it paid off with some very nice healthy hard fighting fish. The river is looking great, all the shelf ice is melted gone but we do have a foot plus of snow on the ground…the melt has been slow each day so the water clarity is good so far, keep ya posted. Call GRA Manager Stewart at 307-267-2559 and book your float trip today!
Happy St. Patricks Day & Happy Birthday Guide Bryant Mettler Grey Reef 3/16/21

3/11/21 Wyoming Casper/Alcova area received some much needed snow yesterday, river remains clear all the way to Casper, snow settled and with a slow warm up I would not anticipate too much melt too fast which should keep oup water clarity very good! March is for sure every year an up and down month for weather, however the fishing each March is very consistent. Trout are in a transitional period between winter holds and spawn mode, we are currently ICE FREE from Gray Reef Dam downstream to Casper, WY. Daily Midge hatches keep trout active throughout the day making fishing good. Pictured here is Reese with a lower Grey Reef Rainbow caught and released 3/9/21.

Grey Reef Dam to Casper and beyond

03/09/2021 Grey Reef sections are all ice free as of now from Grey Reef Dam to Casper and beyond. Clients enjoyed some fantastic weather and great fishing last week and thru the weekend. Some shelf ice does exist on certain boat ramps but is melting fast! Water clarity has been excellent except in the very late afternoon some small melt creating some visibility to drop to 2ft, otherwise water clarity is very good 5-6ft.

Grey Reef, Freemont Canyon

02/24/2021 March is right at our doorstep and its just about as exciting as anything starting a new 2021 season.

Upper Grey Reef, Freemont Canyon and the Miracle Mile all fishing good, lower Grey Reef below Government Bridge is still frozen but finally getting some good ice melt and we should be good to fish all sections in a week or so.

Upper Grey Reef, Freemont Canyon and the Miracle Mile

8/2/20 August is here! Grey Reef flows dropped to 2100cfs from 3600cfs…this has opened up some fantastic streamer and Hopper fishing.
Wild Warrior Adventures has been our focus the last 2 weeks here at GRA Lodge. Twelve Combat Veterans each week come together from all over the globe to share in fellowship and fly fishing! A Big thanks to Paul Cunningham and all the Staff at WWA, our guides and staff had more fun than we have had all season, thanks for making July fantastic and look forward now to seeing another crew of combat vets in August.

7/7/20 Grey Reef flows continue to remain normal for this time of year, 3500cfs. Fishing has been and continues to be good to excellent depending on the day, GRA customers enjoying a very quiet river with solid hatches daily of Yellow Sallies & PMD’s along with a wide variety of caddis and crane flies. Terrestrial fishing has heated up and we anticipate great hopper fishing as our clients have already had great days fishing hoppers. Meanwhile at the Miracle Mile a solid Stonefly hatch has unfolded. Book your Grey Reef Miracle Mile Float Trip today, call Judi at 307-267-2559 ENJOY YOUR SUMMER TAKE A KID FISHING

06/02/20 Grey Reef fishing great right now, mainly nymph fishing mixed in with some great streamer action on certain stretches. Water clarity is good and fishing from Grey Reef Dam downstream even thru Casper is solid, lots of healthy trout being caught and released on the fly. The trout have transitioned off the spawning beds and are holding in places that provide quick replenishment of energy lost during spawning activity, this coinciding with higher water levels places trout is some very non-traditional holding spots. GRA guides are catching fish on a multitude of patterns from midge pupa to leeches and crane fly larva…this makes for great fly fishing. Book your float trip today with Grey Reef Anglers GRA call 307-267-2559

2020 marks the 19th season that I have been guiding Grey Reef/Miracle Mile and I continue to be amazed at our healthy trout fisheries in and along the North Patte River drainage, much of this is due to our Wyoming Game & Fish who in my opinion do a fantastic job of managing these waters.

04/02/2020 Grey Reef Flushing Flows end April 6, Fishing has been good on leeches, worms, scuds, minnow patterns…due to the flush the trout are eating everything to build energy for the spawning period. Some very large brown trout are caught during this flush, get your big streamers out. Guide Andy Brust reports back from the Grey Reef with great fishing and some big fish on the prespawn. Andy has been guiding the Mile for weeks now and the fishing is great! Pictured left are a few of those beautiful trout being landed. Congrats Ken & Brian! Book your escape today, call 307-267-2559 Grey Reef Anglers.

3/31/2020 Grey Reef Flushing Flows at Grey Reef Dam are on going until April 6th. What does this mean for fishing? Each night the flows are raised from 500cfs to 4k cfs in an effort to remove silt from trout spawning beds however each day by 10am the flows below Grey Reef Dam are lowered to 500cfs and remain that way for the rest of the day. So for folks booking Grey Reef float trips right now we are just starting our day later and getting off the water later, and the best part is your fishing the warmest part of the day.
The fishing has been fantastic during the flush as the fish are eating everything they can to build energy for the spawn, Call and book your get away today! 307-267-2559

3/25/2020 GRA Guide Bryant Mettler displays a nice buck rainbow caught and released yesterday with customers. Both days the fishing was great, some wind to deal with but hey when you catch fish like this who cares about some wind. Call us we are fishing hard.

Grey Reef & Miracle Mile if anyone is wondering

3/24/2020 Grey Reef Tailwater continues to fish very well on leeches, scuds, worms, eggs, bwo’s, midges, cranefly larva…we are guiding float trips both at Grey Reef & Miracle Mile if anyone is wondering. GRA guides experiencing great days with most customers landing more fish than they can count…awesome when at days end your customers arms are tired from fighting soo many fish, typical spring fishin on the Reef. We are seeing some serious spawn activity starting, please watch that you don’t wade thru spawning bowls. Water clarity does come and go as most of the snow has melted out of the foothills here. The trout at Grey Reef are looking good, plump and healthy. Grab a buddy and go fishing, call Judi and book your adventure today! GRA 307-267-2559 or greyreefanglers@gmail


2/18/20 Grey Reef continues to have a strong midge hatch each day and the fly fishing remains good despite the colder weather and snow we have received. Floated both Friday and Sunday, weather kept things short on Sunday but Friday was a beautiful sunny day with no wind and the fishing was great. Pictured left is Judi with a nice bow that was tricked by a size 18 Midge Pupa. Weekend weather forecast looks favorable for some more great fishing, grab a friend and get outside!
Note: March Grey Reef FLUSHING FLOW tentatively Scheduled for March 28-April 5, this is a great time for catching trophy trout on Grey Reef, call and book today availability is limited.

First couple guide days

2/9/20 First couple guide days for 2020 are in the books! Soo nice to be on the water again, the fishing was a bit slow on day one just in the morning, after a small midge hatch got going we were catching fish often and some nice ones. Unusual really with 2 days of almost no wind and temps stayed above 30degrees, not bad for February on the North Platte in the middle of Wyoming.
This time of year if you can watch the wind speed predictions you can plan a very quiet peaceful mid winter trip, the BEST part, no one is on the water at all…in two days guiding we witnessed one wade fishermen, had it all to ourselves, well then again we did have to drag the boats across a short section of the Grey Reef that was frozen but well worth the extra effort for such a beautiful day on the water fly fishing.

Grey Reef Tailwater flows

02/04/2020 Grey Reef Tailwater flows remain around 500cfs and holding steady. Water clarity below Grey Reef Dam is clear 3-4ft on the days when we dont get above 40degrees, the warmer days we are seeing some melt and getting a little cloudy 1-2ft of viz. So clarity has been changing daily. Expect shelf Ice and most stretches un floatable due to the recent ice covering from this storm…keep ya posted.
Note: Return Customers please get your guide request days in as soon as possible, right now vacancy for 2020 is shrinking quickly, GRA appreciates each customer and we just want to make sure you guys get the days you want with the guides you request.

02/04 February 2020 Freemont Canyon Tailwater flows remain higher than usual around 250-300cfs depending on the day. Fishing remains good despite the higher flows, we actually like Freemont at these flows, creates more fishable water and spreads everyone out. Weather has been the biggest factor to deal with, the fishing has been good to excellent. Andy Brust pictured left the day before the big snow dump.
Good early February action, guide Andy Brust displays a Freemont Canyon rainbow.

*SPRING SPECIAL* FLY FISHING FLOAT TRIP GREY REEF Section. Early Spring Special for 2 Anglers February through March $375/boat and $100/night 2 anglers. All-inclusive packages also available. Book your North Platte River Float trip today call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

Grey Reef Tailwater flows remain around 500cfs and holding steady. Water clarity below Grey Reef Dam is off color due to some ice met on the reservoir and surrounding hills, with that we currently have around 2-3ft of visibility. GRA guides taking some mid winter fly fishing time of their own and enjoying every minute.

Freemont Canyon Tailwater flows remain higher than usual around 250cfs. Fishing remains good despite the higher flows, we actually like Freemont at these flows, creates more fishable water and spreads everyone out.

Miracle Mile Tailwater flows remain steady at 500cfs, clarity is quite good at 4-6ft. Fishing the Mile always good this time of year as no one is around, some great mid winter brown trout being caught on big flies. Cold windy but very fun!

*SPRING SPECIAL* FLY FISHING FLOAT TRIP GREY REEF/MIRACLE MILE. Early Spring Special for 2 Anglers February through March $375/boat and $100/night lodging for two anglers. All-inclusive packages also available. Book your North Platte Float trip today call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

Grey Reef Flows are at 502 (CFS)

January 13, 2020 as of 9:50am Grey Reef Flows are at 502 Cubic Feet Per Second (CFS) These flows are normal for this time of year. Water clarity below Grey Reef Dam is between 3-5ft depending on the day. Casper area has recieve little snow recently and most side hills are melted out, the North Platte River thru Casper City proper is mostly frozen, the first 5 miles below Grey Reef Dam remains fishable with some shelf ice but the water is clear and the fly fishing is just ok, after all its winter so just a few tugs on the old fly rod without a soul around is quite pleasant on a sunny January day. Midges are hatching daily. Get Some!

GRA News: Bryant Mettler 10 year veteran river guide from the Big Horn River in Ft. Smith Montana has joined GRA full time for 2020 season here on the North Platte. Bryant Spent much of last summer and fall working for GRA and is making the leap to Casper for 2020. Bryant is a great addition to a core group of seasoned guides like Nick Seiler & Andy Brust.

Note: Grey Reef Anglers Established 2009 celebrated its 10 years in business in 2019, I want to personally thank each and every client, guide, cook, cleaner, grounds keeper, all the folks that take care of GRA, from our FAMILY to YOURS have a safe and BLESSED 2020! GRA Looks forward to serving again in 2020 some of the finest people from all across the world in sharing the fantastic trout fishery here on our beloved North Platte River. Tight Lines Jason Ostrander.

Perfect conditions for hopper fishing

8/19 Flows at Grey Reef Dam dropped slightly to 2200cfs, normal. Miracle Mile flows dropped to 1000cfs, low but normal for this time of year. Hatches on both stretches include hoards of caddis flies. On Grey Reef we are experiencing a fantastic Hopper bite, especially in the afternoons. Hot and windy again today 96deg. 26mph winds! Perfect conditions for hopper fishing! This Hopper fishing will continue into September here on the multiple sections of Grey Reef. Trico’s are starting to hatch with more regularity and clouds of these smallest of the mayflies creates some dry fly opportunities as well. Congrats to Guide Andy Brust and his 10yr old client hoisting up a 24inch Brown caught and released 8/17/19

Grey Reef Dam remain steady at 3k cfs

8/9/19 Flows at Grey Reef Dam remain steady at 3k cfs, normal, more important is the grasshopper invasion we are having right now, today is hot and windy and that’s exactly the conditions you want for good hopper action. I have one boat available last minute for tomorrow and Sunday, take your pick or book both.

8/5/19 Hopper bite continues to be very good…Miracle Mile flows cut back to 1000cfs.

Grey Reef Hopper Fishing heating up

8/03/19 Grey Reef Hopper Fishing heating up…our customers are experiencing the beginning of what looks to be one of the better Hopper years I’ve witnessed. In the 18years of living in Casper and being from Wyoming my entire life the numbers of grasshoppers exceeds anything I’ve ever seen! The grasshoppers are getting in the river and YES the trout are eating them. We do have some availability in August. The mornings before the hoppers warm up we have good Trico opportunities on the surface but bring your A game these fish can be tricky, a great filler prior to the daily Hopper drive by. Call or email for availability Jason @ 307-267-2559

7/06/19 Fly Fishing on Grey Reef continues to be productive on most stretches, we have boats on every stretch daily and each day is a bit different, some dry fly action on certain stretches and nymph fishing is consistent with trout eating worms, stone fly’s, caddis and PMD’s mainly.

Crane Fly’s are present daily now and some trout are keying in on the big maggot. NOTE: Our guides are seeing an enormous number of small grasshoppers, in the 20 years of guiding here I’ve only witnessed this many hoppers and the dry fly fishing was nothing short of epic…so August is your month to get in on the action we have limited availability however if your a customer of ours and you want to fish hoppers with a particular GRA guide then get with us asap with your booking and guide request.

GRA Lodge guides

5/24/19 Couldn’t be more excited about the fishing on Grey Reef right now, despite the hiccup in weather the GRA Lodge guides are doing a fantastic job and the customers are enjoying some good dry fly opportunities, yep you heard it, dry flies on Grey Reef, the tailwater inappropriately labeled a non-dry fly river couldn’t be further from the truth. The best part is we have already had some great dry fly days but the really good dry fishing is still to come with PMD’s, Yellow Sallies, and Stoneflies…with all the recent rain we are seeing a lot of good size hoppers already…could be another banner hopper season! Bookings for June and July are all but full, IF your not on the books and have always fished with GRA in the past get with us quick, we have some great hopper fishing slots open in August, call 307-267-2559 or contact Grey Reef Anglers Lodge by clicking the contact us button.
May Brown Trout on Lower Grey Reef section 2019

Grey Reef Anglers Fly Fishing Report

5/4/19 Grey Reef Anglers Fly Fishing Report…Flows at Grey Reef steady at 500cfs, Miracle Mile flows turned up to 2600cfs over a week ago and good clear water conditions. Weather is very up and down now, rained hard last night but the river looks great, and its sunny today thankfully! Trout eating BWO’s, scuds, leeches, midges, cranefly larva, red worms and egg beads. GRA guide Nick Seiler returns from the Grey Reef with his clients and they caught several trout on the surface taking dry flies, during the BWO hatch. Nice to get a few fish on dries this early in the season!
Note: Come see us!@the Colorado Fly Fishing Rendezvous May 4, 5

MID WEEK FLOAT SPECIAL Grey Reef Full Day Float Trip 2 Anglers $375 Includes Guide/Lunch/Beverages/Flies/Rods if Needed Upon availability every Tuesday thru Thursday until May 23, 2019, call/email for details. Call GRA @307-267-2559

4/17/19 GRA Fly Fishing Report…Grey Reef is fishing very good to great each day now…trout spawn is in full swing…FLOWS at the Gray Reef remain around 500cfs while the Miracle Mile flows have increased to 1800cfs. Water clarity at Grey Reef is good with 3-4ft of visibility to Government Bridge. Blue Wing Olive Mayflies are beginning to hatch along with the daily midge mass. On our guided float trips the consensus is the trout are eating everything, you just have to get the right drift, and the guides must be getting that done because all the clients are coming into the lodge excited about their great day fly fishing!

MID WEEK FLOAT SPECIAL Grey Reef Full Day Float Trip 2 Anglers $375 Includes Guide/Lunch/Beverages/Flies/Rods if Needed Upon availability every Tuesday thru Thursday until May 23, 2019, call/email for details. Call GRA @307-267-2559


4/17/19 Grey Reef Anglers News…Grey Reef is fishing very good to great each day now…trout spawn is in full swing…FLOWS at the Gray Reef remain around 500cfs while the Miracle Mile flows have increased to 1800cfs. Water clarity at Grey Reef is good with 3-4ft of visibility to Government Bridge. Blue Wing Olive Mayflies are beginning to hatch along with the daily midge mass. On our guided float trips the consensus is the trout are eating everything, you just have to get the right drift, and the guides must be getting that done because all the clients are coming into the lodge excited about their great day fly fishing!
Client Rob Loveday with a good catch! 4/8/19
Get your May dates in now, we have a couple boats available at a discount April 18-20,22,24, call 307-267-2559 or email for details.


4/10/19 Grey Reef has fished good to great over the past several weeks. The “FLUSH” is over. Spawn mode is in full affect, flows at Grey Reef remain at 500cfs for now, Mile flows have now increased to 1700cfs up from 500cfs…boats coming back from Gray Reef describe fishing as “silly”, big numbers to the nets for everyone! Best part is our average size is up again from last year, not quite the size averages we enjoyed guiding in the early 2000’s but a huge change from 3 years ago. Midges & BWO’s are hatching daily now, and we are starting to see a few fish rise, not enough for dry flies yet.
GRA Guide Andy Brust 24/Reef 4/8/19
Note: GRA now has Lodging available for customers floating with us at the Miracle Mile…to book Your float trip on Grey Reef or Miracle Mile call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559
GRA Guide Andy Brust w/24inch Rainbow caught & released this week.
4/1/19 The river froze last night during the flush…

Grey Reef continues to fish good

3/25/19 Grey Reef continues to fish good, day to day the fish are eating much of the same, midges, leeches, eggs, worms, scuds, bwo’s, and streamers in certain areas are working good. We have had 4-6boats out the last two weeks and the fishing is just getting better the closer we get to the actual spawning period. Water clarity is good on the upper 8-12miles depending on the day, lower river is slowly clearing up due to all the snow melt…Miracle Mile Report

Andy Brust reports

3/19/19 Grey Reef Fly Fishing Report is good, all sections floatable and fishing, guide Andy Brust reports in with great streamer action, after the big thaw the river clarity is quite good and the surrounding snow is melting too slow to cause any runnoff, perfect for some early spring float trips. Guide Cory Stovall reports back from the last several days guiding the upper 10miles and says the nymph fishing is very good. GRA in 2019 has performed guide trips on all sections of Grey Reef from the Dam to Casper and even into Casper, these guides knowledge of this entire North Platte River system NOT just the upper 8 miles puts you the customer in with the best guides on the river.
OH ONE LAST fishing report this is direct from GRA guide Nick Seiler from deep in the jungles of Brazil….”I’m an expert on butterfly peacock bass on a popper just ask me what its like!

2019 Winter/Early Spring Special

2019 Winter/Early Spring Special for 2 Anglers Runs from Now until March 31, 2019…$375/boat and $75/night lodging for two anglers. All-inclusive packages also available. Book your North Platte trip today call Andy at 307-267-2559 or email us!

Grey Reef kicks off with a banner day

3/2/19 March fly fishing here at Grey Reef kicks off with a banner day, topped off with a 24inch Brown caught and released by client Matt Lehman, guide Andy Brust reports back saying the morning fishing was on fire, then as the afternoon rolled around the bite slowed a bit, but still had several doubles on the day. Strong midge hatch and with no wind the guys even saw a few risers, overall a great way to start March…that was yesterday…I look outside now and its snowing…welcome to spring on the North Platte River.

the first float trip guide day of our 2019 Season

2/11/19 February fishing starts off great, GRA guide Andy Brust performed the first float trip guide day of our 2019 Season yesterday and had a great day floating the Miracle Mile. These are just a few of the pictures of trout they caught and released respectively. Read More… 2019 Winter/Early Spring Special for 2 Anglers Runs from Now until March 31, 2019…$375/boat and $75/night lodging for two anglers. All-inclusive packages also available. Book your North Platte trip today call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 or email us!

1/30/19 Grey Reef continues to fish best right before and during the daily midge hatch, typically anytime from 10am to 2pm has been the best bite. Streamer bite has been slow but still able to drum up a couple each day on the streamer. Flows are steady at 500cfs. March bookings are filling fast! get with us to get the dates and the guides you want for your next fly fishing float trip. Warm weather for the weekend, 50’s. NEWS: Join Grey Reef Anglers & Wingshooting at the Colorado Fly Fishing Rendezvous May 4th & 5th, 2019 at the National Western Complex & Expo Hall Golden Colorado. This Expo is one of the best venues we visit each year, we would love to see you there, drop by the booth!
2019Winter/Early Spring Special for 2 Anglers Runs from Now until March 31, 2019
GRA Cabin Fever Special…February through March $375/boat and $75/night lodging for two anglers. All-inclusive packages also available. Book your North Platte trip today call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 or email us!

1/03/19 HAPPY NEW YEARS! North Platte River below Grey Reef Dam continues to fish best in the 10am to 2pm time period each day, the bite coincides best with the midge hatch, this last cold snap has most sections of the river frozen, however the upper is NOT frozen and wade fishing is good with nymphs & midges. Some shelf ice is present be careful and watch out for your fellow angler.
2019Winter/Early Spring Special for 2 Anglers Runs from Now until March 31, 2019
Don’t forget about our Cabin Fever Special…February through March $375/boat and $75/night lodging for two anglers. All-inclusive packages also available.
Book your North Platte trip today call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

12/11/18 Grey Reef is fishing great, some shelf ice on the lower river but no ice on the upper river. Got a chance to fish for myself for once and enjoyed the peace and quiet, no one on the river and the fishing is great. This weekends forecast is for highs in the 40’s…I’m looking forward to more time on the water! We have been booking for 2019 for some time now and just want you to know if you have specific dates you want with certain guides here at GRA get with us soon. Stay warm! Get bored go fishing its a great time!

11/04/18 The North Platte River below Grey Reef is fishing good, GRA guides have been spread out using every stretch of river for the 60 miles we guide on. DRY FLY’s have been the news with great BWO hatches everyday now providing great opportunities for surface action. Streamer bite is certainly much better than it was just a few weeks ago. Trout are consistently eating Scuds, BWO’s, Midges, Worms, and Fall Caddis. We have a few open slots for the fall Brown Trout run, they are Nov. 7,8,11, and 16…full lodging and guide available. Call GRA at 307-267-2559 and book your adventure today!

10/23/18 Upper stretches of Grey Reef a bit mossy but productive both nymph fishing scuds, bwo’s, leeches etc…some great dry fly opportunities in the afternoons on fall BWO dries. Lower stretches of the Grey Reef all the way to Casper and even below and thru the city of Casper are fishing good with much of the same dry fly and streamer action. Flows are normal for this time of year holding around 500cfs and water clarity is now excellent after clearing up from the last round of rain. Forecast is favorable for the next 10days with highs in the 60’s, perfect fall fly fishing weather. Call Jason or Judi today at 307-267-2559 and book your Fall Float Trip today.

10/4/18 Trees are in full fall colors now, and the fly fishing is very good. Our guides have enjoyed some fantastic dry fly fishing over the past few weeks on Trico’s…the tricos are now on the way out and the fall BWO hatch is now going off now. Guides are spread from the Miracle Mile to below Casper making the stretches of river very quiet in terms of boat traffic. The very best fishing is still to come in later October and all of November, our favorite months! Book today call 307-267-2559

The cool night trigger the trico hatch and these fish are looking up

9/26/18 Fall is finally upon us, mother nature let us know with a cool 28 degree overnight low. I love this time of season…cold very crisp mornings that are mellowed out by sunny cloudless days! What makes it better? Well, our customers are enjoying that along with a healthy run of dry fly fishing on just about any stretch, the cool night trigger the trico hatch and these fish are looking up! Get with us now for some of the Best dry fly fishing you will see on the North Platte at Grey Reef and Miracle Mile, call GRA today at 307-267-2559

9/19/18 September is flying by and the river is clear low and producing some great fishing if you can throw a dry fly it is especially good right now on trico’s and hoppers. The Mile flows are cut way back to 530cfs making the water very flat and calm, with the right presentation this is awesome for dry flies.

Flows at Grey Reef are much the same 510cfs, low slow and clear is how the guides describe it, BUT with the clear water again come some great dry fly opportunities. This dry fly action will continue throughout the rest of September and into mid to late October so there is time to get scheduled and enjoy the great fall fishing here on the North Platte River. Cool crisp mornings and warm sunny afternoons with fall colors beginning to show in the trees, by far my favorite time of year! Dont forget we have combination fly fishing & upland bird hunting available now call for availability. Book your adventure today with Grey Reef Anglers, call Judi at 307-267-2559

8/23/18 August fly fishing on the North Platte River remains excellent on all 4 Tail waters, GrassHoppers, Tricos, small cream Caddis, Rust Caddis, leeches, scuds, crawdad patterns all producing for our guides & clients. FLOWS at Grey Reef have dropped to under 1200cfs which is normal for this time of year. Good clear water has returned to the lower Grey Reef sections after last weeks rain storms, all sections are clear now. Best part about this time of season is your catching trout that are super fat and feisty coming off the summer, real healthy fish that are fighting very hard. FALL SEASON is almost here, get your booking in now for the fall Brown Trout run, call and book today at 307-267-2559
August Browns on Hoppers!

8/10/18 August Hoppers remains the story, starting to see some nice Trico hatches on the cool nights, But the hopper fishing couldn’t be better! All boats came in today with great success fishing dry flies particularly grasshopper patterns but a few fish taking the caddis dry and trico. Best part is the river is quiet, not many boats. Today we had 40-50 takes on the hopper and the best part was that Cade (13yrs) pictured left got his very FIRST EVER trout on a dry fly, then proceeded to hook a dozen more on the hopper on the rest of his float trip! Hoppers will only last so long as flows don’t drop much more, get here soon as typical flows drop to under 1500cfs by Sept. 1, 2018.
Cade with his first ever fish on a Dry!


8/03/18 IT’s AUGUST…that means grasshopper season here in Wyoming, well the fly fishing is fantastic! Grey Reef continues to be the hot spot with solid fishing on all stretches. Dry fly fishing Hoppers has been and continues to be the treat all the guides are chatting about…last really great Hopper years we had was 2009-2010, so we are over due and its a delight! You really cant ever get tired of watching these big trout eat grasshoppers, just the variety of different strikes or “takes” you get is amusing…some fish are hitting the hopper soo hard the water explodes and there is no need to set the hook. Clients are Loving It! Book your float trip today call 307-267-2559 Jason or Judi.

Solid trout on Big Dry’s

7/28/18 Grey Reef continues to fish good to excellent…we are seeing great dry fly fishing on select sections of the river…customers are catching trout on all three technique…nymphs, streamers,and big dry’s. The top water action has been a real treat and should get better as we get into August, get your trip scheduled now as August Hopper Fishing heats up. Book Today call GRA at 307-267-2559 (Jason or Judi)

Big Browns on Big Dry’s

7/12/18 PMD’s and Yellow Sally Stone Fly’s both hatching in good numbers today and yes again the trout are on the feed…time to throw DRY FLIES! Hoppers continue to grow in size and numbers due to the heat and what I would call “timely rains” we are experiencing a BUMPER crop of HOPPERS this year…already our guides are experiencing great dry fly action on certain stretches and in certain areas, my advice for those looking to book a HOPPER FLOAT TRIP is to look at dates anytime from July 15-August 30, sure we will still have some good hopper days in September but the heart of Hopper Season is Later July thru August. Hopper Fishing Call today space is limited, talk to Jason or Judi w/GREY REEF ANGLERS at 307-267-2559 or shoot us an email

GRA Guide Andy Brust getting it done!

7/04/18 Happy 4th Folks! Wow fishing right now is awesome, why? So Many Options? Grass Hoppers? Golden Stones? Hatches finally! Yep its July and the North Platte River at Grey Reef and Miracle Mile has popped. Today took our clients on the upper grey reef and we caught fish on dries, nymphs, and streamers! All sections of Grey Reef from the Dam to Casper are fishing great…if you know how to present your flies according to the hatch…our guides are really tuned into each hatch and how to present the dry fly or the nymph in a way that is very productive. Hatches include Golden Stones, PMD’s, Yellow Sallies, Caddis in Grey, Tan, Rust, Craneflies, Midges…and don’t forget SCUDS and CRAWDADS…stomach samples from today show some fish still keying in on scuds and crawdads.
Stayed Tuned Grass Hoppers are brewing! Book now for late July August Hoppers 307-267-2559

5/27/18 Grey Reef all sections fishing good, spawn is all but over, fishing Caddis, Sallies, BWO’s, PMD’s, Leeches, Scuds, Worms, Cranefly Larva and even a few fish on dry flies (BWO), particularly on cloudy overcast days. The trout are in a transition period right now, some are still is slow deep water recovering from the spawn while other trout are already moving into good Sally/PMD water. Starting to see a decent Caddis hatch in the evenings on the lower river right by the lodge. Water levels at Grey Reef are now at 3k cfs, this has a lot of fish moving up on the banks making the streamer bite steady now. If your looking for a great experience where you will catch fish and learn a lot at the same time call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 and book your trip today!

5/7/18 Grey Reef fishing right now couldn’t be better, the weather has been beautiful with highs in the 70’s all this week, BWO’s are hatching giving us some dry fly chances, no great days yet on dries…however the nymph fishing is great and for the dedicated die hard looking for trophy fish we have them! Midges, Scuds, Eggs, Leeches, Blue Winged Olives, Worms ALL working in no particular order…right now its more about your guide and boat positioning. These pics say it all, huge Browns, tons of Rainbows, caught and released yesterday 2 fish over 24inches both with GRA guide Nick Seiler, and just in off the river GRA guide Andy Brust today broke 26inches in his boat! IF you want to learn from a couple guides that really have their craft down these two Guides Nick & Andy are the best!!! Thanks guys your the best, we really appreciate your dedication and hard work. Andy & Nick are the 2 most requested guides here, find out the GRA difference call and book your trip today! 307-267-2559

The “Grey Reef” from the Dam to Casper

4/24/18 The “Grey Reef” from the Dam to Casper, all sections fishing excellent now. BWO hatch is in full swing, had a nice blanket hatch 2 days ago and we are starting to see DRY FLY action each day now, nothing real serious but landing a few of these size trout each day on a dry fly is a great! Our water temps are still holding around 42degrees, and 75% of the Rainbows are still spawning. Nymphs working include bwo’s, crane-fly larva, eggs, leeches, scuds, worms, midges, and a few sally nymphs all working. Remember Grey Reef Anglers is your one stop shop for fantastic lodging & guides. Book your Miracle Mile or Grey Reef fly fishing trip today by calling Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 or click the contact button at the top right.

Grey Reef flows North Platte River recently bumped up to 1100cfs

4/20/18 Grey Reef flows North Platte River recently bumped up to 1100cfs, this is a good thing as it creates more areas for fish to spawn and gives boaters more river to work with. Our guides all reporting back with great fishing! Streamer bite is still day to day but the nymphing continues to be solid as usual for the spring fly fishing here at Grey Reef. Ryan 11yrs old on his first ever float trip (pictured left) had over a dozen trout to the net by lunchtime! I expect fishing conditions to get nothing but better as the BWO hatch has started and the spawn continues. We have one guide boat w/lodging open for this fri, sat, sun give us a call or email. Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

GRA Guide Mark Simpson reports

3/20/18 GRA Guide Mark Simpson reports back with good fishing over the past 3 days, customers are also enjoying some fantastic March weather, 60’s! The warm weather increases water temperature slightly and some trout are starting to spawn, please don’t walk through spawning beds. Starting to see a few Blue Wings hatching, but it will be a few more weeks before we see any dry fly action. Streamers are producing larger fish but fewer numbers while customers choosing to nymph fish are seeing 30-40 fish to the net daily. And as you can see by the picture below the fish are really pounding the food, get here now!

3/15/18 A lot of people calling asking what flies do I fish during the flush? I always say just about any fly. Why? Because during the flush just about everything a trout eats is getting churned up by the higher flow and the river is a “chowtrain”. This pic says it all! How many different trout food items can you identify? By the way the small fish tail you see in the picture is that of a 5” baby rainbow that was thrown up by the brown trout pictured below. Book your Trip with Grey Reef Anglers today by calling 307-267-2559

3/9/18 Grey Reef continues to fish excellent, and the weather so far in March has been warm…Flush is scheduled still for March 12-21 remember this is a great time to target bigger trout on streamers as well as nymphing worms and leeches. Grab a buddy give us a call even if its short notice we can get you on the river. Call Jason or Judi today at 307-267-2559.

3/2/18 SPRING FLUSH for GREY REEF scheduled for March 12-21st, however this is subject to change for many reasons beyond me. Fishing remains excellent, weather is warming, and the guides are fishing. Fishing light with two midges is working during peak hatch activity…during slow hatch conditions the guides are doing well still on streamers…and of coarse nymphing the long heavy rig with leeches , scuds, worms is steady…keep in mind March is a great month for pre-spawn fishing, light fishing pressure is what you should expect to experience with great fishing on Grey Reef. Give us a call at 307-267-2559 and book your float trip today or click our contact button and send email.
Andy & Tom with the first Brown of the 2018 season caught & released Feb. 17, 2018

2/6/18 North Platte River below Grey Reef Dam is now all ice free from the Dam to Casper, been warm this winter so not a lot of ice. Fishing has been real good, floated Thursday and the streamer bite was excellent. Just slow stripping leech like patterns. Check the weather and get here for some great spring fishing on Grey Reef and or Miracle Mile, check out the spring special listed above.

11/27/17 Brown trout are in full spawn mode now, the weather has been warmer than usual for this time of year and our customers are taking full advantage of it. Fishing this time of year is fantastic especially when the weather cooperates, got a few boats out all week, just one boat available for this Saturday, it wont last. Call Judi or Jason at 307-267-2559

9/26/17 Grey Reef flows down to 500cfs, normal for this time of year. Water clarity is fantastic, suedos, bwo’s, caddis, and crane flies are the main hatches now and yes we are getting plenty of opportunities on dry flies. Streamer bite has been real good, pictured left is GRA guide Nick Seiler proudly displaying a fine Brown of 25inches caught on a streamer during the recent cool weather. Congrats to Schroder Baker on a great Brown! Couple openings for prime time October fishing, call today and book your fall fishing trip, 307-267-2559.

9/3/17 The recent pictures say it all Fishing remains good to excellent depending on the section and the day. Its late summer and the moss has the nymph fishing on and off But the best part is the streamer bite and the dry dropper rigs are working great…so nice not to be staring at the indicator rig and catch a bunch of quality fish.

8/22/17 Fishing remains good on all sections, hatches include Trico’s, Caddis, few PMD’s, Cranefly’s, and Midges. Streamer bite has been slow but the DRY FLY action has been picking up each day, HOPPERS are happening! Never gets old watching nice big fish eat a size 4 Hopper. This river is awesome! Call and Book your trip today 307-267-2559.

Fly Fishing Vacation

7/22/17 “Billy” and “Uno” with a fine Bow! Catch & Release

7/23/17 Grey Reef – all sections fishing great due to the fact that we have good clear water, good hatches now ongoing include Trico’s in the early morning providing some guides excellent dry fly action, then from like 10am-2pm the river comes alive with PMD hatch and Yellow Sally’s, then the evening is still dominated by a strong rust Caddis hatch…Best part of all this, we are getting fish on the dry fly, the nymph rig, and the streamer bite has been great for larger trout. So pick your technique and have FUN because in our opinion this is truly the Grey Reef’s best time to fish because there is such a variety of ways to target trout on the fly. Don’t forget folks we opened a brand new lodge and man our customers are loving it, combine fantastic food by Rachel, great lodging and the most experienced guide staff on the North Platte River and you have the recipe for a great Fly Fishing Vacation here in Wyoming.

Call and discuss your travel plans today with Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

All sections of Grey Reef are fishing good right now

7/12/17 All sections of Grey Reef are fishing good right now. Everything is hatching but the trout seem to be fairly dialed in on PMD’s, Yellow Sallies, and Tricos, and if you float late in the evening the caddis hatch is going strong! Fishing streamers from the boat is producing steady action…and then there is DRY Fly fishing on the patchy cloudy afternoons and early morning Tricos, the trout are looking up! Call GRA Today at 307-267-2559 and get booked for a fantastic fly fishing trip on the Grey Reef or Miracle Mile.

7/2/17 Ok I admit we post a lot of huge trout pictures but this picture left is of a recent customer of ours, him and his Dad floated and fished and this was the new fly fishers first trout ever on a fly rod!

6/17/17 Another awesome week here at GRA, clients are having a blast on the river catching lots of trout, flows are normal for this time of year and water clarity is good. A huge THANK YOU to the GRA STAFF for all there hard work and making each client feel extra special, thanks guys your the best!

GRA the AZ group

5/25/17 Wow what an awesome week here at GRA, the AZ group scored a lot of fish but these 2 toads came on back to back days, CONGRATS to John Doss of AZFISHBOOK landed a 28inch Brown with guide Andy Brust. Then CONGRATS to Don Houdeshell landing a 25inch Brown with guide Kyle Lombardi. The trout are eating a mix of things, some leeches, some on scuds, some eating worms, some filled with yellow sally nymphs, some eating only midges but our guides are dialed in and making it happen, thanks you guys are awesome! For your next fishing trip call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

5/15/17 Double Up Miracle Mile.

5/21/17 Gees Paul does it AGAIN! 26.

Arizona Fly Casters Club and AZ FISHBOOK

5/20/17 Grey Reef is fishing good right now. We did experience some lower river mud getting in the river, but it was short lived and the water is cleared up. Water clarity is over 3ft, temps vary from 48-52 depending on stretch and time of day, BWO’s are hatching but on there way out, starting to see some Yellow Sally nymphs in these fish. Special thanks goes out to the Arizona Fly Casters Club and AZ FISHBOOK aka John Doss for putting together a tremendous group of guys to come stay and fish with us, looking forward to seeing you guys for the stoneflies!

5/4/17 Mark Brown 25!

5/5/17 Paul Swift 26!

Blue Winged Olive Mayfly’s (BWO’s)

5/8/17 Grey Reef is fishing great all sections fishing and producing fantastic days on the water, weather has finally warmed up a bunch 85 yesterday! Flows are normal for this time of year at 3k. Blue Winged Olive Mayfly’s (BWO’s) hatching everyday now, fish are keying in on these little mayfly’s and it makes for some great action. These past few days our clients have landed some big ones, first Mark from Denver lands a 25inch Brown and then not to be out done the very next day client Paul Swift lands a 26inch Brown Trout both on streamers…nothing more fun than watching customers land the biggest trout of there lives! Certainly some high five’s going around, guides are really dialed in and fishing excellent, thats what happens when you have the best guide crew in the valley, we are not the biggest outfitter here but we make sure each customer gets our very best service at the lodge and on the river.

we have had a lot of moisture the last couple days

4/25/17 Fishing remains excellent here on all sections of Grey Reef, we have had a lot of moisture the last couple days yet water conditions remain great, most sections you can see the bottom and the river is clear. BWO hatch is happening now and when its cloudy during the hatch the fish are eating on top readily creating some great dry fly action.

Flows at Grey Reef Dam are 2000cfs

4/16/17 Grey Reef Fishing Report…Flows at Grey Reef Dam are 2000cfs and for many folks asking is this normal, YES these are very normal flows for this time of year and expect flows to increase as they always have as spring progresses into summer. Water clarity is great, 2-4ft of viz depending on what stretch your on. Nymphing right now is great, I had two beginner fly fishers yesterday in the boat we floated Bridge to Sechrist, they landed 35 to there credit. Best part is we never saw another boat all day! However the upper Grey Reef below the Dam is a gong show of boats all trying to jockey for a hole to fish with 10 other boats, NOT here at Grey Reef Anglers we keep our customers completely out of boat traffic, and we fish ALL sections of the North Platte River. We are able to do that because GRA guides have more experience and they pride themselves in giving our customers the BEST experience possible, staying out of the crowd and catching a bunch of big fish is the best!


4/6/17 SUNS OUT! Weather couldn’t be better this morning, this week we’ve had boats on every stretch of river including Grey Reef & Miracle Mile and the fishing overall is very good. BWO hatch is just getting started and will provide some dry fly action soon. Get out of the office and LIVE a little, treat yourself call Judi or Jason at 307-267-2559

4/3/17 Grey Reef is fishing very good right now, we are spreading out and guiding all sections when water conditions allow. Pictured below is GRA guide Kyle Lombardi floating the lower river yesterday, as you can see the water is looking awesome! Our guides & clients are enjoying a great start to our spring. Trout are eating midges, leeches, worms, scuds, eggs, and even getting some on streamers…this weekends weather in the 60’s and SUNNY, got just a couple guide boats available for this weekend call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

4/2/17 Grey Reef Fishing Report…Weather has recently brought a good deal of rain with it, even a spit of snow, NO snow on the ground here today, fishing remains excellent plenty of trout eating our streamers and nymphs. Pictured below is long time customer Brain Walker at the end of the day Brian landed a nice Brown on the streamer, all the other fish landed were rainbows or cutthroat. Lower river below Carp creek is muddy but the upper river and the Mile are all clear and fishing great!

3/23/17 March Madness continues! Streamer bite is good, and the fishing overall is excellent! Pic left is guide Nick Seiler.

3/20/17 Grey Reef Fishing Report…DOUBLES! Pictured left is mother daughter Kari & Saisha recent customers that had a great day catching trout despite the fact that they both a fairly novices to fly fishing, however we just happen to be guiding some of the best water in the country for beginner fly fishers, our guides thrive on teaching and showing all our clients a great experience…Rainbow spawn is in full swing now but the peak of the spawn wont be until later part of April. Few Blue Wing Olives hatching along with the daily midge hatch, fish have been chowing on crawdads, scuds, leeches, worms, eggs, midges, and catching a few on BWO patterns…Streamers are producing some huge fish, call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 book your fly fishing trip with us today! Lodging and guides available.

3/17/17 Oh we love March Madness! March is one of the best times for trophy class fish here at Grey Reef Anglers and the river is giving us a show, fishing is fantastic, Just finished up a very busy week of guiding and our customers are flush with compliments on our guides, the lodge, and of coarse the fishing…Just caught & released yesterday morning is this 26inch Brown caught by John Edwards with guide Nick Seiler, way to go guys! Dedication to trophy fishing lands results. Grey Reef Report…fishing remains excellent, flush is over, river is at 1700cfs and the fish are starting to spawn. Flies we are using include egg patterns, leeches, worms, midge larva in red, scuds, bwo’s, and crawdads all on the dead drift. Streamer bite has been less consistent but as you can see streamers often produce huge trout here on the Grey Reef…We have slots for float trips in March, call or text Grey Reef Anglers 307-267-2559

3/13/17 Grey Reef Fly fishing report…Flush is over on Wed. March 15, rumor is they might shut it down as early as today. Most of the fish over the weekend were eating midges, both larva and pupa, didn’t see much surface action but that will change when the BWO’s get started here in a few weeks. The guides are splitting time right now between floating the Grey Reef & floating the Miracle Mile, both fishing real well, even had some decent streamer action on both. Plenty of great fishing to be had and the best part is that the fishing is only going to get better as the water temps rise from the great weather we are having! Book Now call or text 307-267-2559.

3/07/17 Grey Reef Fishing Report…Flushing Flows continue today, had a couple guide boats at the Mile and the Grey Reef over the weekend, Nick & Andy said the fishing was real solid, the rainbows are fat and even got a few browns on streamers…Nice warm spell of weather has began and the fishing is excellent! Don’t forget we have a brand new lodge for you to stay in this year! Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 to book your adventure today!

Flows at Grey Reef remain steady at 500cfs

2/19/17 Flows at Grey Reef remain steady at 500cfs give or take…the Miracle Mile flows have increased to over 1000cfs and its for the better, Miracle Mile water is very clear and fishing good…the Grey Reef water is a bit off color but still has 2 ft of visibility and is fishing great. Weather is outstanding, spring fishing is here! The lodge is filling up fast we have a couple openings early April, later April is busy. March SPECIAL is a Day Float Trip at Grey Reef, price is 375/boat 2 people, includes lunch & beverages. Only good for the monthy of March. Call Judi & Jason today at 307-267-2559 to book your Grey Reef & Miracle Mile Fly fishing trip.

What a difference in weather today

2/8/17 What a difference in weather today, sun is out melting everything and its beautiful, GRA guides Kyle & Preston were on the Mile all day yesterday, fishing the morning was slow but the afternoon was real good, again the leeches and worms were working the best especially in the winter holding water. Book your next lodging and float trip for Grey Reef or Miracle Mile call Judi at 307-267-2559

Feb. 7, 2017 The Meat Hole aka Pete’s Draw below Grey Reef Dam

Winters grip on the river is letting up

2/7/17 Winters grip on the river is letting up, open water all the way to Gov Bridge from Grey Reef Dam…Lusby Ramp is open, would not advise floating any lower due to ice. Weather in the 40’s even a few 50 degree days have helped melt a lot of ice. Here is a pic of what the upper at Petes Draw looks like about a half mile below Grey Reef Dam. Try using midges in black & olive, try scuds in tan cream olive size 14-16…leeches and worms still working also. Dont expect fish to be in the faster water, its winter focus your attention from mid way down the run to the tail out of the run, trout are in there typical winter mode. Miracle Mile Report

Warm weather moved in past couple days

1/11/17 Warm weather moved in past couple days and the snow is melting fast, the river is open and fishable and even floatable on some sections, Guide Kyle Lombardi reports in with good fishing on both midge patterns and worms, eggs, and leeches…call Judi at 307-267-2559

GRA just got back from the Denver Fly Fishing Trade Show

January 2017 is here! GRA just got back from the Denver Fly Fishing Trade Show. We had an excellent show on this record breaking year for attendance, over 12k. Weather outlook for this next week looks fairly nice, highs in the forties, what snow has yet to melt will certainly be gone by end of today. GRA guide Kyle Lombardi has been out fishing several days this week and the fishing has been great! Kyle reports in saying there is still a small number of Brown Trout spawning and the midge hatch has kept the fishing consistent.

Fall weather has been fantastic highs in the 60’s and 70’s feels pretty nice!

11/7/16 Fall weather has been fantastic highs in the 60’s and 70’s feels pretty nice! Our guides have been out a bunch with customers and they are killing it. Right now the guys are nymph fishing the mornings and then trowing dry flies and streamers in the afternoons and evenings…we have fall BWO’s coming off at about 2pm each day give or take, and then a small cream colored caddis has been hatching throughout the evening allowing for excellent dry fly fishing…I personally guide 2 novice fly fishers this week on Grey Reef and they had over 40 fish on dries in just an afternoon float! Half days available for that…some Brown trout spawn activity has began on Grey Reef but remember if your wanting the Browns your best to book a couple days with us floating the Miracle Mile section, this fishing has been primarily streamers and nymphs and the Brown Trout population is much higher in numbers at the Miracle Mile than Grey Reef…call Judi today at 307-267-2559 and get your lodging, float trip and guide all lined up.

Congrats Rod Riley on a great fish!

8/22/16 The big brown trout keep coming in on our guided trips, this time it was Rod Riley with one of the better looking brown trout I’ve seen all summer just based on color and health, this fish had great girth and was just 23inches in length but well on his way to trophy status. Congrats Rod Riley on a great fish! Grey Reef continues to have flows drop and the water is clearing up, I’m not sure I have ever seen water this clear in August in over 15years of guiding Grey Reef, Tricos are giving our clients a crack at dry flies in the morning and the streamer bite is good, of coarse nymph fishing still produces the most fish but not always the biggest! Fishing remains excellent on all sections from Grey Reef Dam downstream to Casper. Call Judi at 307-267-2559 and book your fly fishing vacation today!

our customers on good dry fly action in the mornings

8/5/16 Grey Reef flows have dropped again for the second day in a row, down to 2000cfs but anticipate a drop down to 1200cfs by the weekend…FYI our guides are getting our customers on good dry fly action in the mornings…stay tuned

we enter August the fly fishing on Grey Reef continues to get better

8/1/16 Wow Summer is flying by…as we enter August the fly fishing on Grey Reef continues to get better, our guides are liking it better now as the water is real clear and the trout are eating a mix of smaller bugs and crawdad patterns. Fishing has been better in the mornings and then tapering off slower in the afternoons, we are starting our days on the water with customers early to catch the best fishing time and to beat the heat, its been warm! Super mossy on the upper river now and some floating moss to contend with but fish are still eating Tricos in the a.m. and then small pseudo mayfly’s throughout the day, evening caddis are still boiling off at dark. Get that last minute float trip in here with us, our guides are busy but we have some openings just call Judi at 307-267-2559.

7/15/16 July is flying by quick. Grey Reef tailwater continues to fish good right now, we got PMD’s hatching mid day, some good action on the evening caddis hatch along with a few larger fish being landed on multi colored streamers. Guide Andy Brust has a crazy good day with 2 Brown Trout over 24inches and 1 other Brown that was 28inches! ALL on streamers. Good nymphing right now as well with best results in that 10am-2pm period. All stretches of Grey Reef fishing decent, some stretches producing better day to day but it seems to be more moss on the upper stretches and certainly cleaner and less moss on the lower stretches like Bessemer Bridge to Robertson Bridge.

6/26/16 GRA guide Andy Brust pictured here with customers from Oklahoma who happened into a great hatch and landed this very nice brown trout on the dry fly! Andy has been floating his customers into places no other guides are fishing and the results are awesome, we have large PMD’s hatching along with Yellow Sallies, Cranes Flies, Grey Drakes, Rust Caddis mornings and evenings, the river has popped and things are happening fast, get here and enjoy our great lodge, awesome guide staff, and in our opinion the best tailwaters in the country for trout, Grey Reef has 50+river miles with 8 different stretches of river to float and fish, add the Miracle Mile in the mix and you have a fly fishing vacation second to none! Call Judi at 307-267-2559 and book your adventure today!

6/25/16 We have had a fantastic week for larger brown trout being caught, congrats to Kyle on this 25inch Brown Trout caught and released on the big streamer rig. Congrats to Andy who put Shawn Phillips from Alabama on a 28 inch brown caught and released on a DRY FLY!! All the GRA guides are dialed in and putting customers of lots of quality fish and the best part is we are floating sections of the river that are quiet and not busy with boat traffic, the GRA difference is we go out of our way to keep all our customers on the best stretch of water with private boat ramps that keep you the customer out of the traffic!

6/22/16 Super busy our guides are putting in a lot of days on the water, fishing remains good, more importantly flows below Grey Reef and Miracle Mile are starting to drop, streamer bite should get better, clarity is already improving daily with the flows dropping…seeing some drakes on the lower river, rust caddis in the evenings, nymph fishing remains excellent on various worms of just about every color, of coarse each guide here has his favorite color. Pictured left is client Jim Rodgers with a brown caught and released on the Grey Reef a few days ago. Call Judi at 307-267-2559 and Book your Miracle Mile Grey Reef Float Trip.

6/4/16 Pictured left is GRA customer John Knoll with a fine Brown Trout caught and released yesterday on Grey Reef. All 5 boats out yesterday had super good days on the water with customers. Weather is fantastic and the fishing remains excellent.
As you can see the clients and guides are having some great fishing right now.

6/3/16 Flows were bumped again at Grey Reef, Flows at the Miracle Mile are down to 6600cfs, the boat fishing is very good right now on the nymph rig, streamer bite is slower, no dry flies right now but that will change in the next couple weeks as the stones and pmds start to hatch. Had just 2 boats out yesterday but both guides Andy and Mark came back saying the nymph fishing was awesome, 35-40 fish to the net for each boat respectively. We got 5 boats out today, keep ya posted. Call Judi at 307-267-2559 and book your float trips today.

6/1/16 Drift fishing the Grey Reef is excellent right now, we have high flows, BUT water is clear and the fish are eating everything in site after the rainbows have pulled off the spawn. Seeing Caddis on the lower river along with a few PMD’s. Streamer bite was slower yesterday but the nymph fishing was fantastic especially leeches, worms, and crawdad patterns. Pictured left is GRA customer Bill Benson with a nice fat Miracle Mile rainbow, the Mile is also fishing excellent from the boat. Call Judi and book your GRA experience today!

5/24/16 Flows at Grey Reef have stabilized at 3500cfs, the fishing is excellent right now. Pictured left is Jade, quite the fly fisher, with a healthy Grey Reef Rainbow caught and released yesterday. The landscape is super green right now, starting to see some fawn antelope along the river while we float. The rainbow trout are just about all done spawning, the cutthroat spawn is in full swing…BWO and Midges the main hatch, waiting to see our first PMD’s of the season…Golden Stones, PMD’s, Sally’s, coming soon get booked today!

5/22/16 The sunshine has returned and the North Platte river is clearing up nicely, flows are up a bit more today, fishing has been excellent on the Mile and the Reef sections…BWO hatch still dominates along with midges…average numbers of fish to the net are 30-40 between 2 anglers, primarily nymph fishing now, few fish up on top rising on the cloudy days to Blue Wings, streamer bite slow right now but still getting a few of those monster brown trout on the big bug. Upcoming hatch is the Golden Stones, PMD’s, and Yellow Sally’s, all good in June and early July get your booking in today for this prime season, call Judi at 307-267-2559.

4 boats on Grey Reef

5/17/16 Had 4 boats at the Mile today, 4 boats on Grey Reef, both locations are producing great days for our customers, large rainbows and the occasional brown trout.

The Mile water is much clearer than Grey Reef right now but expect with the dryer weather we are getting now that the Grey Reef will be quite clear in a day or two. Despite the off color water our guides on Grey Reef are experiencing great days with 25-35 fish to the net respectively. Meanwhile the Mile is producing fish over the 20inch mark regularly…Flows at the Mile are holding steady now at 4000cfs, the Grey Reef will be increased to 3000cfs by weeks end, all our guides are absolutely loving the water flow increase as it makes the drift boat fishing that much better!!

BWO hatch is steady

Our guide crew has been battling

5/8/16 Our guide crew has been battling some harsh conditions lately with some rainy weather, however our guides persist on putting clients on the clearest water available with the best fishing…as of late that has been the Miracle Mile section. Recently bumped up to 3000cfs the fishing has been consistent at the Mile and the blue wing olive hatch has been fantastic with the cloudy conditions, best part is our guides are the only ones brave enough to battle the road to the Miracle Mile so for the past 3 days the guides and clients have had it all to themselves! Andy, Nick, Ryan, John all deserve a big thank you for not just being the best guides on the river but also the toughest! You guys are awesome and thanks for keeping our customers so happy!

Both tail waters are fishing fantastic

5/5/16 Warm weather and great fishing in May so far…today its gonna hit 81degrees. Grey Reef flows were bumped up last night to 800cfs, we floated the Mile yesterday and flows are fluctuating between 1600 up to 2100cfs daily. Both tail waters are fishing fantastic, we have boats on both again today…streamer bite is getting better.

multiple trout 22inches

4/28/16 Miracle Mile lives up to the hype…GRA guide Andy Brust braved the cold weather with customers and headed off to the Mile despite crazy muddy roads and rough conditions, paid off though, customers were all smiles with multiple trout 22inches over 40 to the net and two larger fish lost inches from the net…Book your Miracle Mile Float Trip today call Judi at 307-267-2559

Bureau of Rec

GREY REEF ANGLERS…4/26/16 Bureau of Rec. North Platte River update: Seminole Res. 71%, Pathfinder 84.6% Full, Alcova 96.7% Full, Snow Pack for the Upper North Platte River Drainage is 101% of average, Grey Reef Flows are at 501cfs, Miracle Mile below Kortes Dam is releasing at 1815cfs. Fantastic water outlook for this season and despite the wet weather our guides continue to put customers into huge trout!

We had 10 boats out Saturday

4/25/16 We had 10 boats out Saturday, 7 boats out Sunday, couple out today, all the guides did very well except one boat, lots of fish being caught for first time fly fishers despite some adverse weather yesterday. A BIG CONGRATS to customer KYLE MILLER who landed and released a 27″ Female Brown Trout with GRA guide Nick Seiler, The Miller group has fished with us for several years in a row and if anyone deserved a big fish like that it was Kyle Miller, awesome fish! GRA Head guide Andy Brust had over 50 fish to the net two days straight and one day he had over 50 with absolute beginner fly fishermen, they are ruined forever…Call Judi at 307-267-2559 and book your adventure today!

Miracle Mile flows bumped up this week to around 2200cfs

4/18/16 Miracle Mile flows bumped up this week to around 2200cfs, Grey Reef remains at 500cfs, water clarity above Government Bridge is great and fishing excellent, all the guides experiencing typical spring conditions, rainbows are in full spawn mode, trout are eating everything including leeches, scuds, crawdads, bwo nymphs, eggs, worms, crane fly larva, midges etc…weather this week looking great after the few inches of snow we received over the weekend, high of 80 degrees this Friday!! Call Judi at 307-267-2559 and book your adventure today!

4/10/16 Rainbow spawn in full swing, fishing right now is just plain ridiculous…GRA Guide Nick Seiler took out first time fly fishers and had 40 fish days back to back…weather is awesome right now, great blue wing hatch yesterday produced a few risers, streamer bite consistent and the nymph rig is lighting it up, water clarity good down to Bates Creek…

4/4/16 Too busy to post much, on the river a bunch, guides are putting clients on lots of big trout, weather is fantastic, snow is all melted out, little color on the lower river but we are fishing good clear water despite the snow melt. This week the streamer bite has certainly picked up but the big numbers are being caught via nymph rig. Our guides always throw streamers at some point throughout the day of fishing, that’s one reason our customers catch so many larger trout. Weekend forecast in the 70’s, call Judi and book today 307-267-2559

3/20/16 Flush is OVER…Fishing is fantastic right now, we had multiple boats spread out over several stretches of Grey Reef and one boat at the Mile today and all the guides are coming in excited about how good the fishing is in both places, water clarity at Grey Reef has returned to nearly 5 feet of viz with the flushing flow ending mid week, the river has settled at 500cfs and the spawn has started for the rainbows. Leeches, scuds, midges the main coarse, some larger Brown trout caught on bigger streamers. Book your fly fishing trip today call Judi 307-267-2559

3/8/16 G&F Flushing flows continue, most of the higher flows are occurring at night, but by 10am each day the flows at Grey Reef Dam are back to the normal 500cfs…GRA Guide Kyle Lombardi reports back after fishing yesterday below the spillway and the fish are eating everything in sight! The snow we received Monday is completely gone, 50’s today, upper 60’s for the weekend! Plenty of fish on the spawn, our guides are getting busy but we do have some availability for the weekend, grab a buddy and get with one of our guides and float the best tailwater in the country.

3/3/16 Fishing remains excellent…Customers are certainly taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather…mid 60’s on tap for this weekend again! Flushing flows have been announced and will begin this Monday March 7th and continue to March 17…fishing the flush is a great time to be here as a lot of trout food is displaced and we often see some larger fish being landed on streamers…book your lodging and float trip today, call Judi at 307-267-2559

2/26/16 We had just one boat out today on Grey Reef, guide Andy Brust reports back with a great day on the water with over 40 trout to the boat. Several double hook ups including this pair of fish pictured left respectively. Good midge hatch now. Weather is unseasonably warm…call Judi at 307-267-2559 and book your flyfishing adventure today!

2/24/16 Some shelf ice still hanging on after the crazy winter we have had the weather has been in the upper 40’s low 50’s now for over a week, 10 day forecast showing much of the same…get here while it lasts, call today 307-267-2559

Feb. 23, 2016…Grey Reef has cleared up nicely, water clarity good all the way to Casper…Floated with a couple of our guides on a little half day trip this afternoon. Threw streamers the entire time, enjoying no wind and a beautiful sunny day on the river, GRA Guide Andy Brust scored a couple very nice fish including this 26inch bruiser! We are seeing excellent fishing right now with awesome weather!

Feb. 21, 2016…Lower Grey Reef is muddy from Bates Creek downstream, should be clear by Monday…upper 15miles looks good, clear water and fishing good. Guides are out catching fish with clients through the weekend…
We have availability give Judi or Jason a call at 307-267-2559

Feb. 20, 2016…Crazy weather this winter, big snow storm now we are having 55 degree weather for the last week and a half and the spring thaw is ahead of schedule…fishing on Grey Reef has been excellent, a recent customer caught this very nice brown trout after getting some expert advice from GRA guide Kyle Lombardi on what flies to use and how to present them this time of year. What a great fish!
February 1, 2016…Well its snowing here now, got at least another 8inches, but thats not hampering the fishing efforts of some, guide Kyle Lombardi got out yesterday before the storm hit and added some nice fish on streamers!

our customers are still catching the big Browns!

Its almost February and our customers are still catching the big Browns!
January Fishing here on the Grey Reef and Miracle Mile is great, we had GRA guides Kyle & Andy out this week and they spent the day with clients working the water primarily wade fishing and both groups had great success, big fish of the day was 22, but some bigger fish were hooked up but came unhooked prior to netting…par for the coarse. Winter fishing on these nice sunny days can be quite comfortable, especially from the boat, keeps you out of the colder water, but then again walk wading keeps the blood pumping also. Bookings for 2016 looking impressive, give us a shout and get the dates you want before they are full. Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

8/7/15 GRA Customer Marcus Hodges Lands 30 inch Rainbow with guide Jason Ostrander…we had a crazy week this past week with clients having huge fish landed and released…5 trout over the 24inch mark, then all capped off by a 30inch Rainbow landed by a first time fly fisher! GRA guides making it all happen, Great work fellas! Hats off to Guides Andy Brust, Mike Dudac, Mark Simpson, John Blumenthal, Paul Newman, and Dusty. You guys are awesome!

8/5/15 Another Pic of Marcus Hodges 30in Rainbow landed and released!
Streamer Fishing is awesome right now!
This week 5 Brown Trout over 24 inches, 1 Rainbow over 30inches!! What a week!

7/16/15 Grey Reef Tailwater is fishing excellent, lots of opportunities for all types of fly fishing…streamers, dry flies, and of coarse nymphing. GRA guides spread out all over, some up at the Mile, some hitting the upper and lower stretches of Grey Reef, ALL stretches fishing very good. Stone hatch is wrapping up, good dry action still taking place IF you know where to throw. Take a relaxing trip with one of our very personable and FUN river guides. Hatches now include Pale Morning Duns, Caddis, Crane Fly, Trico’s on cold nights, Golden Stones, and Yellow Sallies.


5/26/15 FINALLY THE SUN HAS REAPPEARED! TODAY is a breakout day the sun has returned after several weeks of wet weather we are finally getting some sun! 70’s for the rest of the week, NOT a CLOUD in the sky this morning! Congrats to Al Lundberg landing this great rainbow with GRA guide Nick Seiler while floating the afterbay section of the North Platte. We have had boats every direction lately including the Miracle Mile and Grey Reef. Fishing is great!

5/24/15 Fish eating some dry flies on the cloudy days, BWO hatch is strong right now and the fish are up eating on top on all these cloudy days we have been having, despite rainy conditions lately our guides are doing a great job putting customers on good quality fish. Andy Brust displays a fine brown that took the dry fly!

5/12/15 Grey Reef Fishing Report: Water below Ledge Creek is dirty, the upper 4 miles is fishing great, I expect the entire river to be back to good clarity by Wednesday afternoon. GRA Guides have taken advantage of the situation and been fishing clients on the Alcova stretch of the North Platte prior to Grey Reef Dam and have been doing great! Fishing continues to be excellent!

5/7/15 GRA Guide Nick Seiler getting it done in the rain yesterday. Water is clear despite rain on the upper 12 miles, little dirty below Gov. Bridge but that should clear quickly, GRA Guide Ryan Stefek had over 50 to the net yesterday! Spawn is about over and the fishing is getting better, taking fish daily now on dry flies, solid midge hatch and then Blue Wings are popping. Streamer bite has been a bit slower on the sunny days…but some toads being landed for those who show patience.

5/5/15 Had 3-4 boats out for the last 10days straight and the fishing has continued to be very consistent, BWO hatch is excellent, consistent enough we have been able to throw dry flies each day even on the sunny days. Guide Ryan Stefek has been fishing Blue Wing & Midge combinations and has been producing just as many or more fish on that compared to guides running eggs and worms…As the spawn peaks out and fish start to pull back the fishing gets better as most fish turn there attention to regaining spent energy from the spawn, this translates to eager fish eating consistently! Water clarity is excellent despite some recent moisture…

Had 4-5 boats

4/25/15 Had 4-5 boats out throughout the week and the fishing remains excellent. Our guides don’t like this BUT I have to brag on these guys and how well they are doing on the river as a team, its been a real pleasure to lead a crew of guides that care more about the clients than themselves, just a bunch of awesome fishermen that love people! Thanks guys keep up the great work. Grey Reef fishing great with 40-50fish to the net daily, Miracle Mile a bit slower but some very impressive size being landed by our customers at the Mile. Book your float trip today 307-267-2559

4/20/15 We had 6-7 boats out each day the past 3 days and the fishing is only getting better with the BWO hatch starting to progress. Photo left is of a 24inch Cuttbow landed and released by client Steve Miller on Friday, Steve and fishing partner Jim landed over 50 fish while floating the 15mile stretch we floated. We only had one cancellation for the weekend due to weather and the customers who could make it received great fishing with some real toads being caught. Forecast now all week is for sunny and mid 60’s…PERFECT! Hatches now consist of BWO’s, and Midges, flies being used by our guides include leeches, scuds, midges, BWO’s size 18, worms, and eggs patterns…spawn is in full swing…flows are up to 2200cfs and the boat fishing couldn’t be better.

4/13/15 We had 8 boats each day this weekend and the fishing for everyone has been fantastic, great weather Saturday, little snow squall Sunday but it cleared by noon and was sunny with NO wind the rest of the day! Fishing is bizurk right now, fish eating BWO’s, Beads, Red Worms, Brown Worms, Midges, Crawdads and Big Streamers are producing a few monsters! Congrats to Larry Kunkle of Ft. Collins with a 26inch Female Brown Trout Landed and Released! Get here the spawn is on Book your trip today. Jason at 307-267-2559

4/4/15 Grey Reef Flows bumped up a bit fishing excellent on red midges, egg patterns, black midges, bwo’s, scuds, leeches. GRA Guide Nick Seiler had an excellent day on dry flies targeting the midge hatch on a cloudy day with some wind the fish were eager to eat the dry fly…congrats to Andy Brust landing a 26inch monster Brown Trout!

4/1/15 Grey Reef, Miracle Mile and other float trips all going great, overall fishing is real good, getting tons of feedback from customers who have taken recent trips and its all been very positive and encouraging to know our guides are working their butts off and putting clients onto lots of fish. Flush is of course over, water clarity is great all the way to below Casper on the North Platte River. Weather a little cooler today but 50’s to 70’s has been the norm lately! I expect this trend of excellent fishing to continue…call Jason or Judi today and book your float trip 307-267-2559

3/25/15 Weather forecast fantastic for this time of year, fishing excellent…our head guide Andy Brust was on the river yesterday with first time customers who had never floated before, they landed over 50 trout between the father son combo. Andy said he had to work a bit harder as the wind was blowing, but despite that the boys had an awesome day. Forecast for the Grey Reef weekend is 70’s…better grab someone and get on a drift boat, some big ones await you!
Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 and book your trip today!

21inch Grey Reef Cuttbow caught & released
3/23/15 Just got word from Wyo Game and Fish that the Flush will be extended to March 26th due to technical difficulties with a dam gate…this is great we are going to have a very clean river for the spawn. Fishing during the flush has been pretty good, customer Bill Sherman of Gillette landed a 24.5inch male Cuttbow on Saturday and had a great trip with guide Johnny Blumenthal, our guides are dedicated and feedback from our customers is excellent, one common theme is that customers are learning a bunch, catching lots of fish, and they say our guides work there butts off.

This is the Grey Reef Anglers difference, you get a highly professional veteran guide that will do everything he or she can to make your fishing trip a success.
Book your trip today call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

3/19/15 Fishing Grey Reef during the Flush has been awesome… Great fishing has dominated the last few days despite the river flows being fluctuated daily from 500cfs to 4000cfs. Guide Nick Sieler and Andy Brust are enjoying great weather and good solid fishing including some bigger trout being taken on streamers. River clarity after the flush is over each day has been surprisingly clear and it appears the flush is doing a great job cleaning out the river of fine silt, also the rainbows have started spawning…get here while the weather lasts!!

Grey Reef fluctuating between 400cfs and 4000cfs

3/17/15 Flushing Flows are going on right now and will resume until March 25, river flows below Grey Reef fluctuating between 400cfs and 4000cfs, this has an interesting effect on fishing especially for larger trout. The flush displaces most of theholding cover for small minnows, fingerling trout, and crawdads…consequently this is a great time to fish the river and catch that huge fish you’ve always wanted…The experience level of our guides is second to none and these guys love serving people and just flat put people on tons of great fish!

Book your Grey Reef or Miracle Mile Float Trip Today Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559
3/16/15 Fishing has been very good for March, numbers are strong and the weather is nice. No sign of the spawn yet but expecting that to change after the flush next week.
It’s not to late to get a float trip in before the end of the month, drop us a line anytime! or 307-267-2559

2/9/15 Dude the weather is crazy…the guides are taking full advantage, guiding some but fishing for themselves too which makes for very happy guides! River is completely fishable all the way from Grey Reef Dam downstream to Glenrock Power Plant, not much turbidity today with lighter winds, fishing has been great and the best part is nobody is here yet. Get some early bird action going, $400/float trip 2 people.

1/23/15 FIRST GUIDE DAY OF 2015 WAS AWESOME! GRA head guide Andy Brust took to the water for the second time today guiding customers on some winter fishing at Grey Reef and the action was fantastic! Andy reported back with good fish being taken both nymph fishing and throwing the streamers, no giant fish today but a bunch of hard pulling 18inch rainbows made the day a great winter break from indoors!

DONT FORGET our ISE Sports Special, 2 Anglers, 2 Nights Lodging, 2 Days Float Trips, $500person. Pick any dates throughout the season, but you must get your deposit in by Jan 31, 2015.

1/18/15 DENVER ISE Show BOOTH 2514…Come check our booth out at the Denver Sportsmans Expo TODAY! Last chance to get in on the SHOW SPECIAL, 2 Anglers, 2 Day Float Trips, 2 Nights Basic Lodging for only $500/angler, must get your booking in by the end of January.

Fishing Report: Ice is opening up fishingis getting good, Andy Brust is doing a Cast & Blast trip Thursday, should be awesome with this warmer weather! March April May filling in FAST! Get your bookings in soon to secure the dates and guides that you want. Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559, email us at
Grey Reef Anglers & Wingshooting Denver Show

11/22/14 Flows are low, water is 2-3feet of vis and yes the fishing is real good right now. We have had our guide crew out 7 of the last 8 days and the guys are having a blast catching great Brown Trout, gotta love those colors! We are taking bookings still for December late Brown Trout run and also 2015 bookings, get your dates together and get with us soon, call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

11/21/14 Yet another great trip today, Father son Jim and James Picardi spending some quality time together on a 3day float trip sampling all the waters we fish including Grey Reef and Miracle Mile stretches, they had some great fishing!

11/20/14 Its late November and while some consider this the fly fishing OFF SEASON we DO NOT. In fact this is prime time for what might be the best time of year to land that big Brown Trout of a Lifetime. Despite the cold weather we have been guiding customers everyday, these customers know from using our services that this is the best fly fishing time period for large fish. Here is a few pics from this last weeks work load. Hars off in respect to the Grey Reef Anglers guide crew who are thriving in the colder conditions! Thanks guys for all your dedication and very hard work to make our customers trips successful.


11/17/14 The BIG FISH just keep on comin…return client Doug Benson scores a 27.5inch Male Brown Trout after braving negative temps for a solid day. Our guides including myself have spent the last week working in some of the toughest conditions nature can toss at us but the hard work and perseverance is paying huge dividends! Our customers know this is NOT the OFF SEASON…this is PRIMETIME for big fish and YES we are slamming the BROWN TROUT! The pics speak for themselves…come get your fish of a lifetime. Guide trips call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

11/13/14 Grey Reef Anglers & Wingshooting Guide Andy Brust Lands 29inch Brown Trout! Congrats to Andy who took an afternoon and fished for himself. Andy landed 8 Brown Trout in an hour and the last one was this BRUISER!
Andy lands 29incher!

11/12/14 Weather indeed has turned cold, however BIG fish are being landed, one thing is for sure we have some very dedicated guides that not only guide in any weather conditions but they also flat put people on the fish…my hat is off to GRA Guides Nick Sieler, Andy Brust, Yancy Perkins, Danny Upton, Mike Dudack for all putting in the time and effort to make sure each customer has a fantastic trip! Good Job!

10/30/14 The weather is cool and crisp and the winds are light, the fishing is FANTASTIC…Get here asap as we are seeing large fish coming to the net, FALL might be the best time of year to fish Grey Reef as most people are not fishing and the waters are reletively un crowded.
Better yet take a float trip and have the river to yourself, call Jason or Judi today and be floating the Grey Reef Tomorrow! Call 307-267-2559

10/13/14…Fall fishing at its best, all our guides are reporting back with fantastic days on the water, customers are taking advantage of great weather, mid 70’s this week and the Browns are staging for the spawn, few fish on streamers but mainly nymphing small bugs, get on the November schedule now for the on slot of PUMPKIN BELLIES!
Call Jason or Judi today at 307-267-2559

9/19/14 Fall is here! Get on our fall float trip schedule now, water clarity is awesome and the trout are getting ready for winter and eating everything!
Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559…ask about our fall special which includes a 2day float trip for 2 fishermen, 2 nights lodging for only 500/person, or take a day trip for 425/boat for 2 people.
Get here soon and be this guy holding your trout of a lifetime!

8/24/14 Hopper bite is on…our guides have been enjoying good dry fly action on bwo’s and Hoppers, some good caddis dry fly action at certain times of the day is rounding out the great fly fishing here on the Grey Reef. The consistancy of the hopper bite is what we are seeing now, hoping that trend continues as we are seeing a lot of mature grasshoppers make there way via wind into the North Platte here on Grey Reef.
If you enjoy fish eating big dry flies on the surface give us a shout, call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 and book your trip today!

8/14/14 Yet another good Brown Trout on the streamer, the fishing report for Grey Reef is much the same, great fishing, great customers, and big fun!
Call Grey Reef Anglers, Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 and book your Grey Reef float trip today!

8/13/14 Grey Reef streamer fishing is great right now, upper 8miles is a weeded up mess, although productive the upper 8 miles of river couldn’t be any more boring to fish, and right now has more weeds than fish, however the lower Grey Reef stretches are not only faster and more interesting but are producing fish after fish of high quality again especially on the streamers. As you can see by the recent client fish photos things are good and people are excited about Grey Reef Anglers and the North Platte River. Book your float trip today with Grey Reef Anglers call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559.

Congrats to Drew on a 24inch male Brown caught on a streamer!

8/10/14 Congrats to Drew on a 24inch male Brown caught on a streamer! This is that time of year where our guides are really putting the effort in to throw streamers and put customers on big brown trout…August is one of the best times on our river to try your chances for a fish of a life time. The past two weeks have produce 7 Brown Trout at or over the 24inch mark!

7/27/14 BROWN TROUT of BIG SIZE just keep making their way into our guide nets! Congrats to client Mark Hagan yesterday landed a pig brown trout! 25inches landed and released with guide Yancy Perkins aka “the Muffin Man”. The Grey Reef Anglers Staff is working thier butts off and the hard work is paying off for our wonderful clients…stay tuned I’m bettin more big fish are to come…
Grey Reef is fishing lights out, PMD’s daily along with good solid Trico hatch, some dry action, streamer bite picking up for sure, water clarity is great, water temps right at 59degrees…fish are fighting very very hard and we are certainly hearing the fly reel sing!

7/24/14 Fishing the Grey Reef is red hot, good solid PMD hatch every day along with some decent morning trico hatches on the cool nights is making for some great dry fly/nymphing days. Streamer fishing has been a bit slow on the upper river but the bite down on the lower river much better. Our guides Yancy, Andy, John, Paul, and Mike all reporting back with great days on the water today with customers. Yancy pictured left here displays a fine brown trout just caught and released on the streamer! Get here now the fishing is fantastic! Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

7/16/14 Grey Reef fishing is fantastic right now, we have PMD’s hatching along with morning Tricos, Yellow Sally Stone Flies, and of coarse midges…the Trico’s have fish up eating on the surface and the dry fly action is beginning to heat up, its that time of year when our guides are taking fish each day with clients on dry flies, streamers, and nymphs…makes for a great day and a lot of different techniques taught to our customers…the best part is that the trout are fighting extremely hard right now, lots of fish making multiple jumps 3-4ft into the air while fighting! Kep in mind all levels of fly fishers are welcome, we pride ourselves in teaching beginners as well as hard core anglers, give us a call for the latest, Jason or Judi at Grey Reef Anglers 307-267-2559

6/26/14 Fishing is excellent, water clarity is great…dry fly action is starting to heat up, we are running dry dropper rigs and having some success, the fishing over all is quite good, its that time of year again where our guides are taking all three types of fly fishing to the river, dry flies, streamers, and nymphing. Of course nymphing is producing the most but we are having some stellar days on dry flies too on certain sections of the North Platte River. The hatches we are fishing right now include Pale Morning Duns(PMD), Yellow Stones aka Yellow Sallies, and Golden Stones. As you can see from the smiles on these clients faces people are going away with a lot of great memories of good times and great fishing. Water temps are at 50deg at Grey Reef and 58deg at the Miracle Mile. Here is what you will need to know to book a trip when calling, first what days are you wanting to fish, how many people in your group, and decide if you need lodging with us. All beginners welcome, we have custom fishing trips designed for each skill level. Call Jason or Judi for details 307-267-2559.

6/6/14 Our water is clear, low and fishing fantastic…unlike many western rivers right now that are blown out, Grey Reef and Miracle Mile sections of the North Platte River are clear! We have guides out everyday with clients and the fishing is very good. Guides Yancy Perkins, Andy Brust, and Jason Ostrander all enjoying great weather with customers from as far away as New Zealand!
We specialize is BIG FUN!!

5/29/14 Grey Reef is fishing extremely well…Streamer bite is on, nymph fishing is producing as usual and the clients are loving every minute of it…We have had so many comments this week like “this is the best trout fishing we have ever experienced”. GRA Guide Yancy Perkins comes in with 65 fish to the net with two anglers form Idaho who fish all over the country and they explained “these trout are all big healthy and fight very hard” “not a single run we went thru that we didn’t hook up trout, often both fishermen doubled up! Guide Yancy says he really just enjoyed great weather and good clients! For reservations call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

The BWO hatch was strong

5/19/14 Grey Reef Anglers Guide Report…all stretches of the Grey Reef are fishing very good right now, we have spent a lot of days on the lower river with clients and the streamer bite has been good especially for the bigger Brown Trout, pictured left is client Mike Douglas from Jackson Hole who took two Brown Trout on the same trip that were similar in size, countless rainbows and cuttbows to the net! I personally guided the upper river yesterday and have to admit that it was one of the best ever DRY FLY fishing days I have seen on Grey Reef. The BWO hatch was strong, we had warm hazy skies, and literally were throwing dry flies to pods of fish that would extend for as far up and down river as you could see. My clients Max and John from LA landed a lot of fish on dries, great entertainment watching big fish eat a size 16BWO! Book your adventure now 307-267-2559

5/14/14 Oh the Big Brown Trout of Grey Reef Anglers…This brown trout just caught by Nick was landed on the streamer on the lower river…Lower Grey Reef stretches are fishing lights out, lots of fish being caught on the nymph rig, and good dry action in the afternoon periods on Blue Wing Olives, also as you can see some very nice trout being caught on streamers!

We have guides available, we also have lodging available so grab your buddy who has never fly fished and spoil him on a float trip with Grey Reef Anglers 307-267-2559.
Nick with beautiful lower Grey Reef Brown Trout. 5/14//14

5/13/14 Fishing continues to be red hot here at Grey Reef Anglers…GRA guide Jesse McGregor continues to bring one group of clients after another back with huge smiles and lots of great fish tales. Some dry fly action is going on if you have a guide that understands where and when to throw them, I personally caught a trout on the dry fly on my third cast yesterday while clients where eating lunch, its prretty awesome! Water clarity finally cleared all the way to Casper and we are taking full advantage and using our PRIVATE boat ramps to get a jump start on the competition, we have yet to even see another boat despite the fact that there are 50-60boats a day beating down on the upper 10miles, wow what a clogged up mess! Our clients are experiencing the Grey Reef of the good old days where we are lucky if we see one boat a day, solitude and fantastic trout fishing is what we provide. Call Jason or Judi today and book your Grey Reef adventure 307-267-2559

5/5/14 Grey Reef Anglers Fishing report…Grey Reef Flows are 500cfs and the water is clear, fishing is fantastic to say the least! More big trout being landed daily, GRA guides Nick, Ryan, Andy, Jesse, Mike, and Jim all reporting back with great days and net totals being from 40-60 fish a day for two anglers. BWO’s coming off everyday now, some good dry fly fishing each day toward the late afternoon hours, sunny and warm get here. We also just wrapped up a film shoot for two days and we were rewarded with some very nice trout taken on the streamers, pictured left is Wes with a fine brown just caught yesterday on the lower Grey Reef downstream of our lodge.

4/26/14 Grey Reef flows are at 500cfs and our guides are having great fun with the low clear water, GRA guide Ryan Stefek reports back with trout being caught on dry flies, streamers and nymphs in the same day. The dry fly action has picked up and I have to say this May might just end up being the best dry fly action we have seen on this river since the year of the hopper.

Why? Couple reasons, first we have extremely clear low water, second the Grey Reef is supporting more trout per mile (7500)than it ever has before, normally (2400) this equates to more competition for food, thus pushing fish to the surface to feed when typically they wouldn’t. Good example was two days ago we had a very sunny bright day with no wind, not the best conditions for dry fly fishing, yet we had trout all over eating BWO’s on the surface and the action was great!
Grey Reef/Miracle Mile bookings call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

4/22/14 Grey Reef Fishing is nothing short of spectacular right now, we had three boats out on a Monday yesterday, we literally had the entire river to ourselves and it was dead calm all day, oh and the fishing was ridiculous. Seriously doubt today can live up to what it was like yesterday but we are off to float the Miracle Mile with the same group of clients today, we did have a 22inch brown trout to the net yesterday and too many 20 inch fish to really count, all three boats report back with 80+trout to the net between two anglers, yikes thats just catching not fishing. Grab you buddy grab your gear and get here as this crazy spawning period will last just a couple more weeks. For your next fishing adventure call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 or email us at

4/13/14 Grey Reef Tailwater Report…Our guides all this past week and through the weekend enjoyed fantastic fishing and great clients to share it with! Spawning rainbow trout and cuttbows are really active right now, basically eating just about everything we throw at them. Some BWO hatches each day but just starting, the best blue wing action will be over the next 4 weeks for sure. We are pumping fish stomachs and seeing bwo’s, midges, leeches, few scuds, earth worms, red midge larva, and crawdads. We have had some good luck catching some bigger trout by throwing streamers, my clients yesterday took trout on a streamers to end thier day. Note: GRA now has Public Lodging available with 4 cabin units…click here to see.Call Jason or Judi today and book your next fly fishing adventure on both the Miracle Mile and Grey Reef.

4/7/14 Good Fishing on both Grey Reef and Miracle Mile with spawn now into full action…as you can tell by the smiles on our clients faces we are experiencing good success on the river, the guides all reporting back with good numbers of fish, also some real nice Brown Trout being caught, we had 3 brown trout this week go over the 22inch mark, nothing gigantic but just real solid fish. Water clarity below Gov. Bridge has gotten much better and we had two guides float to Sechrist yesterday and Saturday and both days down on the lower stretches were outstanding! We are also excited to announce our brand new lodge facility, available now, call for details about new Public Lodging options as well. Book your adventure today, call now Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

3/30/14 Fishing is really good right now, mostly prespawn rainbows and cutts being caught in the main holes, we are seeing some serious spawn activity out of the mature male rainbows and cutts up in the shallows, some of the gravel bars look like Alaska with fish backs sticking out of the water splashing around building redds. Clients are having wonderful trips with good days being 30-40 to the net and the insane no wind days are producing 70-80 fish to the net. Our April Cabin/Guide Special is for 2people, includes 1 day guided fishing, 2 nights basic lodging in our brand new lodging facility for $550/2people, thats 275/person! Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 for availability.

Our March Cabin fever special concludes this week

3/26/14 Flushing flows are concluded, fishing is excellent right now, guides Andy Brust and Jesse McGregor have been on the water fishing with clients daily and reporting back with consistent big fish to the net. The water clarity might be as good as I’ve seen it in the past 12 years for this time of year, all stretches now fishing, including the lower Grey Reef that Andy and I floated yesterday. Give us a call today for your one stop shopping, guided float trips with a fantastic crew of fun guides, public and private lodging available. Our March Cabin fever special concludes this week, However April’s special is a 2day float trip/3nights Lodging Package for only 600/person! Call Jason or Judi today at 307-267-2559

3/18/14 Flush is going on now thru the end of the week, we are catching some huge rainbows and big numbers to go with it! GRA Guide Andy Brust broke out his season of guiding with an 80 fish to the net day and a 26inch rainbow landed after an epic 30 minute battle on a five weight rod. Proof that a 5wt is just a bit light for those brutes. The client was shaking so bad during the fighting of this fish that Andy says he was literally shaking the boat, what a cool fish and what a great story. This trout ate one of Andy’s secret big bugs he dead drifts to try to target larger trout, well he’s got it figured out for sure. If you would like to book Andy or any of our other fantastic river guides give Jason or Judi a call at 307-267-2559, March special in effect $300/boat plus $100/room for two people thru the end of March.

March 15th, 2014 Spring fishing at the Reef has been excellent! The weather is warming up nicely. Been fishing the old reliables; midges, rock worms, leaches with scud or midge droppers. The Bureau of Rec has rescheduled the flush for this week the 17th-26th typically they only flush for 5 days, will keep you posted on flows. Fishing will still be good this week for experienced anglers and oarsmen especially towards the tail end of the flush. Looking forward to a great week of fishing! Give us a call anytime 307-267-2559 or shoot us an email we’ll help you catch “that fish” you’ve been waiting for…
Guide Andy Brust

March 7th, 2014
What a day to be on the water! Do I dare say spring has arrived? Man I hope so, that sun feels sooo good but those wicked trout fell even better on the end of the line. Yes the ice is off and yes the fish are hitting hard. Not as sluggish as last week and the streamers oh the streamers! If you have the patiance and are stuborn enough to fish them all day the reward will be worth it.

Matt and Andy taking in the day and getting the cobwebs blown off. Nothing but sunshine and trout on the forcast for the next few weeks , give us a call we would love to take you fishing! 307-267-2559

3/4/14 Grab a friend and get out and enjoy the nice weather! Upper 40’s today and the forcast is perfect for March fishing, Spring Flush is scheduled for last week in March for those wanting to know. Right now we have big melt going on, little stain from Ledge Creek down but very small amount, very fishable. Top 25 miles should be all fishable by the weekend, right now top 10 miles fishing very good. Take advantage of our Spring March special only $300/boat, 2 people full day guided float trip, can’t beat that! Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 book today!

2/18/14 Catching some big ones! GRA Guide Andy Brust displays a fine February Brown Trout he landed yesterday at the Miracle Mile, the Mile isn’t the only tailwater fishing great the Grey Reef is also fishing quite well as olive midges are hatching daily. If you want to satisfy that early spring fishing itch call us and book a boat right now thru March 31 for only $300, thats $150/person, includes lunch flies and a full day on the water with any one of our fantastic fishing guides.

1/30/14 fishing is still on at the reef. some big wind days combined with lower temps have made for some tough conditions the last few days, but there is still plenty of action on the water. furthur down the tailout in the slower water has been the spot on the nymph rigs.

Grey Reef Guide Jesse McGregor

1/28/14 Slow moving articulated streamers are producing big fish. Nymphing has been good to great on the typical winter bugs. Midges, scuds, worms, and leaches have been working well. Dry fly fishing in the afternoon has been good, small bugs and super clean presentation have been the ticket for us. a patch of warm weather has opened up some sections on the lower river for wade fishing. the 2014 season is booking up fast so if you have some dates in mind call soon to get them locked in.

1/31/14 New Season Begins…Book a 2day float trip for 2 people with 3/nights lodging for $587.50/person! February/March day float trip special per boat $300! April thru May boats are $425. Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 and book today.

11/10/13 Miracle Mile is on fire!!! We have had quite a week fishing the Mile and the Grey Reef, both tailwaters giving clients great fishing, especially for those pumpkin belly Brown Trout!
Guide Andy Brust reports back from Grey Reef with a day for the ages, two fish over 25 inches, one measuring out at 27inches, both brown trout, they had a lot of other action all told probably over 80 fish to the net!
November as advertised is still “the month” for the best fall fishing on the North Platte River, give Jason or Judi a call today and we will get you on the river catching these fall brown trout. Call today at 307-267-2559.

11/1/13 Grey Reef and Miracle Mile both fishing quite well right now…GRA guides are finding bigger numbers to the net at Grey Reef and some big rainbows, few browns, the Miracle Mile is producing fewer overall numbers to the net but big brown trout are on the menu. We have limited space in November available, the best trip is a day at Grey Reef and a day at the Miracle Mile, clients using this combination of days are seeing the real North Platte River experience and getting to float both tailwaters, not just the Grey Reef. Get details and available dates from Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559.

10/19/13 Miracle Mile Brown Trout are on the move! We have battled the past 5days with mud, rain, snow, and ice, but we have been floating clients at the Miracle Mile and the hassle of dealing with muddy roads and cold conditions has paid off! Pictured left here is GRA client Andy with his catch of the day on Monday, two fish exceeding 24inches were caught that day. GRA guide Jesse McGregor put client Craig on a 26inch male brown also, pics of that fish coming soon.Then while guiding another day this week I took another orange belly Brown trout also pictured left, this fish was caught on the only cast I made that day but it was a good one. The Brown Trout are not yet spawning but male trout are cuttin “Redds” now and are aggressively eating streamers and big nymphs.

I have only witnessed some spawn activity in certain areas on the river and the bulk of the action will take place in November, however due to the cold weather, water temps taken by myself at lunch yesterday revealed a 4.5 degree temperature drop in the past week, from 58.5 down to 54degrees, this drop certainly has these fish pushed into overdrive! For your next Big Brown Trout Adventure hire Grey Reef Anglers, we float the “Mile” more than any outfitter and have the guides ready to put you on the big fish, call us today at 307-267-2559 and talk to Jason or Judi.

10/14/13 Clients enjoying great fishing on staging Brown Trout and big healthy Rainbows…The brown trout are for sure starting to get colored up, pictured left is Elliot on a Cast and Blast trip over the past three days, Elliot and partner Jim hunted upland birds and floated the Mile with us and as you can see the brown trout are starting to get their beautiful fall spawning colors. Jim and Elliot landed around 30 fish and had 4 very nice brown trout to the net, Jim took his on streamers. Streamer fishing in the mornings has been effective especially on the fast strip, as these brown trout are eating crawdads and other fish to bulk up for the spawn.

We have received a lot of rain and snow that has melted and that has all but eliminated fishing the Grey Reef except the top 4-8 miles and even then that has been blown out a lot lately, our guide service always goes the extra Mile for clients and we have several great tailwaters to float including the Miracle Mile that almost never blows out, even in this now wettest of times. Dirty drift boats and trucks that are caked with mud don’t really matter we will go were the fishing is best! For your next float trip call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

10/10/13 Water temps starting to drop, Brown Trout in pre-spawn mode…Took several water temps yesterday while out guiding at the Miracle Mile, water temps are between 56-58degrees, hatches right now are midges, afternoon rusty caddis, fall BWO’s. Fishing for numbers has been best at the Grey Reef and when conditions have dictated we are floating the Miracle Mile as I did yesterday. The Mile is starting to give up some decent Brown Trout. Pictured left is Clancy from Wichita, KS who was accompanied by his father Jim on a two day trip with us, this was Clancy’s first ever fly fishing try and he caught on very quickly as you can see! For hard working guides call Jason & Judi and book your next Miracle Mile or Grey Reef Float Trip, 307-267-2559.

Fishing remains good despite cooler weather and winter storm

10/6/13 Fishing remains good despite cooler weather and winter storm…we have many options here around the Grey Reef including float trips on multiple sections of the Reef and Miracle Mile…clients are taking advantage and our guides are having a great time watching customers have huge success! Flows are down to 500cfs, water clarity on the upper Grey Reef and Miracle Mile are excellent, lower Grey Reef is blown out but I expect by the weekend we will be in great shape again down low. Fish are eating basically bigger flies including leeches, scuds, worms, crawdads. For an honest assesment on river conditions and what we offer for float trips call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

9/12/13 Trico Hatch continues, BWO’s providing great dry fly fishing…From our lodge downstream the weeds are not bad at all and we have clear low water that is giving way to great dry fly fishing right now. Dries include tricos, caddis, and Blue Wing Olives. Our guides are netting between 25-70fish a day for two clients depending on skill level and the day. Fact is the fall fishing will only get better from here on out as water temps begin to slowly drop, had one guide boat able to fish dry flies the entire day yesterday. We are pretty tight on availabilty in September but call us and we will see what we can do, some good spots available in October for guys planning a month out. The November Brown Trout Spawn has been the best fall fishing hands down so get with us before we fill those slots, call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 and book your trip today.

9/2/13 Labor Day…Grey Reef flows are down to the winter operating level of 500cfs, flows will remain at 500cfs until next March, with the flows way down the fishing has been just silly, all the GRA guides over the weekend had great success, we had over 50fish to the net on Saturday and Sunday and expect numbers to just increase, best part is we are starting to see some size come back on a more regular basis. These cooler nights are triggering some good Trico hatches in the morning, no giant white clouds of them yet but its coming, right now real good dry fly opportunities in the morning until 10 or 11am. We don’t have many openings in September but give us a call we may be able to squeeze you in, call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 and book your trip today!

8/29/13 Flows drop again, now down to 800cfs, should be 500cfs by weekend, water clarity is back! We have several boats out today and will have a detailed report tonight.

8/24/13 Grey Reef Flows drop to 1000cfs, should be down to 500cfs by September…Water clarity has started to return to the lower river, also the moss on the lower river isn’t as significant now. The upper Grey Reef below the Dam continues to be choked out with heavy weeds, floating moss, and one boat hatch after another, evidently thats where ALL the big fish are so you have to fish below the dam. Funny thats why we catch all these big brown trout 30plus river miles below Grey Reef Dam, because all the big ones are behind the Dam. We are starting to see some BWO’s on the lower river along with the morning Trico hatch. I will keep you posted but streamer fishing should really start to pick up again with this water clarity coming back!

8/16/13 Grey Reef fishing good despite water clarity less than perfect…GRA Guide Jesse McGregor reports back with a 30 fish day for two clients, a little slower than we would like to see but he was dealing with about 1ft of visibility. Recent rains and irrigation return has the river a bit churned up, I expect things to clear up soon. The good news is we are producing good fishing despite these conditions. Still great dry fly action in the mornings and as you can see streamers are producing some big ones.

8/12/13 Yet another big brown landed by a GRA client on the lower Grey Reef…This time it was angler Joe McCune of Pennsylvania fishing with partner Rusty and 4 family members on a 3 boat group. Joe and his father and his son Kaleb were all in on the action, three generations of McCune’s being represented! Well Joe stuck it out in the afternoon with streamers and it paid off. After what was an epic battle Joe managed to land this 26inch female brown trout caught on a white streamer. Best part was his friend Jason and Bill both were able to witness the fish being photographed and successfully released back to the North Platte River. We are having good fishing on the Grey Reef sections especially the closer you get to Casper, the upper 8 miles is fishing good but some floating grass to deal with, lower sections are much cleaner and as you can see are giving up some big brown trout! Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 to book your next float trip.

8/7/13 Grey Reef fishing real good in the a.m. and then slowing down in the afternoon hours, trophy trips producing some great brown trout!

Pictured to the left is Chad from Rock Springs, WY who recently took a trophy day with us, for those who don’t know, a trophy trip is a trip we offer for $650/ up to 2 anglers and we start at 6a.m. and finish at dark, we throw streamers ALL day for big fish.

On Chads trophy trip Monday we floated from Grey Reef Dam to Robertson, almost 40 river miles in one day, well the big float paid off as you can see by the pictures, Chad actually landed some very nice rainbows as well, his biggest brown taken in the middle of the day during bright sunny conditions measured out at 24 inches! On any of our float trips you have the chance to catch a trophy trout BUT by throwing streamers on an ALL day outing in certainly increases your chances tremendously. Call Jason or Judi today at 307-267-2559 and book your next trophy trip.
Chad with a 24inch Male Brown

Streamers, Dry Flies, and the Nymph Rig

7/27/13 Streamers, Dry Flies, and the Nymph Rig All working very well at the Grey Reef… Clients are enjoying the great fishing that continues on Grey Reef, we are having a fantastic PMD hatch and the Yellow Sallies are adding to the mix and making some great dry fly action. When the fish aren’t up eating dries they are chasing streamers well. We are dead drifting crawdads and larger caddis and pmd nymphs when using the indicators. No matter what technique you enjoy the best we have great options right now for float trips here at Grey Reef. To book call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

7/18/13 Nice Brown Trout continue to find the nets for clients…The Grey Reef is fishing fantastic right now, we have a solid PMD and Yellow Sally hatch each day fallowed by a very strong Caddis Hatch in the evenings, trout are eating well. We continue to have good success on our trophy trips with more big trout being landed each day out. We also are having great success teaching brand new beginner clients the craft of fly fishing from a drift boat, most find it much easier than predicted and are astonished at the number of trout they catch on their first ever fly fishing experience…this river is perfect for beginners.

7/16/13 Miracle Mile Golden Stones are about done…Grey Reef Dry Action remains excellent…Its so nice right now to have two tailwaters both producing great dry action, the Grey Reef escpecially the lower stretches below our lodge are producing great PMD and Yellow Sally Dry Action in the morning and mid day times, then the evening comes and more PMD’s and Yellow Hex’s, and Caddis fill the air and the dry action begins again…many outfitters are off the water and will not adjust their schedules for these hatches, we will always put you where the fishing is best, we even are running half day floats from 2pm to dark to capitolize on some of the late evening dry fly and good streamer action…this fish pictured left was caught just two days ago on a float I just described. Get with us and we will put you on a bunch of great fishing, call or email Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

7/5/13 Miracle Mile & Grey Reef Dry Fly Action! Right now we have both tailwaters producing good to great dry fly action. At Grey Reef today we experienced excellent dry action on PMD’s and Sallies, we even had a few fish eat a cricket pattern we have been running, we caught fish on streamers dries and nymphs, best time to be here is now because your getting good action on all three techniques and lets face it any fish on a dry fly or streamer is a good fish in our book!

All our guide boats are averaging 30-40fish to the boat a day and some lucky clients are landing some monster brown trout. Golden Stone Hatch tops it all off as we are getting great dry action on size 6 dries.

7/1/13 North Platte River is giving up big fish right now!…Our clients are catching big fish and in many ways it is the best kind of fishing right now because we are getting some trout to eat Cicada’s on the surface, stripping streamers is awesome, and nymphing is very productive for numbers. Our guides won’t sell any client short when it comes to trying different techniques and thats one way we make your experience better. We always will try dry flies and streamer fishing during a float trip with clients. Trying different stuff is what is paying off, pictured left is client Bev holding a 26inch Brown Trout caught stripping a streamer yesterday, Bev and husband Ron both caught fish on dry flies as well as streamers and chose not to nymph fish because they just enjoy dry flies and streamers better, its a good reminder that fly fishing isn’t always about big numbers, its about the quality experience you the customer are getting. Give us a call we will hook you up for sure. 307-267-2559

6/25/13 Fishing is incredible right now…the fishing is as good as it ever gets, we are getting good dry fly action on cicadas of all things, great streamer fishing and nymphing on crawdad patterns of various sizes and colors. Andy pictured left here took this nice 22inch brown trout yesterday, flows are higher and very welcomed sight. Clients across the board are just raving about the Miracle Mile and Grey Reef float trips that they are taking with us, one client said this week he wished he would have found our services prior to trying 2 other states Montana & Idaho for float trips. Dry fly fishing should only get better as our hatches progress, right now we have pmd’s, brown caddis, stones, and midges hatching. Get with us this week and get on our schedule for your float trip, call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

6/22/13 Grey Reef Fishing Report: Fishing has been fantastic, clients really having a lot of fun, GRA guides Jesse and Andy did very well on the upper Grey Reef section yesterday throwing various nymphs including crawdad patterns and pmd sally nymphs, larger Rainbows landed measured over 22inches. Meanwhile Jason was on the Miracle Mile yesterday and did very well in the afternoon making up for a slower morning. Jason’r clients Marshal and Eric from Castle Rock enjoyed catching rainbows that averaged 19inches and were fighting very hard, Eric said his arm was wore out from catching so many fish, if you doubt the numbers and size fish we catch you should come check it out for yourself and just treat yourself to a float trip and you will have a great experience, I guarantee it!

6/18/13 Grey Reef tailwater continues to fish good despite higher flows of 2600cfs…Flows at the Mile are now 3000cfs, and Grey Reef 2500cfs, wade fishing is more difficult making the boat fishing even better, lots of nice fish being caught, GRA guide Andy Brust and Jesse McGregor both had great days yesterday with the Kocur group, the boys said big fish dead drifting bigger flies was the ticket, water clarity not great, however this off-color water is something we are accustom to on the Grey Reef, I am very happy flows are finally up to normal for this time of year, these flows really separate the veteran guides from the rookies, now more than ever if you get stuck with an outfitter that employs rookies you will be disappointed. GRA guides are not only the most experienced but we never put guides on the water that are not producing great days for our clients, all I’m saying is do your homework when booking with an outfitter and make sure your getting what you pay for, a full day of fantastic fishing!

6/14/13 Wayne lands big brown trout on a size 6 dry fly! Oh and he was throwing this size 6 dry with 1X tippet, who says trout see tippet?? Obviously not this big guy!! Windy, hot and dry conditions, fishing great!

Great hatch on the Bridge to Bessemer run

6/11/13 Dry Fly Action picking up strong…Its that time of year again and we are breaking out the dry fly rigs daily and having good success with caddis, pmd’s, and sulphur dries. Great hatch on the Bridge to Bessemer run yesterday with supper good numbers of trout feeding on the surface, Guide Jason took clients down and had over 30 fish to the net all on dries with one nice cuttbow 22inches. Some folks deem the Grey Reef a non-dry fly water, but that simply isn’t true. We have the lower river to ourselves with the private boat ramps we use that put us ahead of any boat traffic and first crack at the fish feeding on top. Solitude, pods of big rising trout and good streamer action what more could you ask for as a fly fishermen. Book your float trip today and our guides will put you in the dry fly action.

6/1/13 Brown Trout of good size keep jumping in the nets…My hats off to our guides they are really putting the clients on the best fishing possible for both the Mile and the Reef. Another very nice day with good numbers of trout to the net, like 50+, and some good fish being taken on the streamers as well. The latest was client Nick from West Virginia with 2 very respectable Brown Trout Pictured left. We had 7 brown trout to the net in 1/2day of fishing Friday, all very healthy and all ate the big streamer.

For those out their that don’t know Grey Reef Tailwater has between 2 and 10 percent brown trout depending on the stretch of river your on, so to land 7 Browns in a half day is crazy! Some Caddis hatch on the lower river and we have seen a few PMD’s and even the first of the Yellow Sallies. Best colors for streamers has varied day to day but each guide has his favorite colors and sizes that are producing fish. Grey Reef water is very clear and we have been able to actually see a lot of these fish that are taking the streamer eat, in my mind theirs nothing like watching the trout chase your streamer on the surface and then eat your fly while your stripping back to the boat, great fun!

5/28/13 All week customers enjoying great fishing and warm weather on the North Platte River…I’m really thankful we operate on the Grey Reef & Miracle Mile as I scan across websites from the west I’m reminded that right now is “run-off” time on most rivers in the west and that means dirty water and slow fishing. Well we have very clear water right now and the fishing is excellent, all you have to do is scroll down through the posts and see just how good we have it here in Casper, WY. Grey Reef Tailater…been on the water 10 out of the last 11 days and the Grey Reef fishing is ridiculous right now. Pictured left here is client Alex McCrickard from Maryland, he landed and released this 23inch Brown Trout caught on a streamer yesterday. We have been on a bit of a Brown Trout run with 6 fish in the last 4 days all over the 23inch mark, all on the streamer. Hatches…our guides have been starting to see caddis on the lower river and I witnessed my first PMD yesterday, Blue Wing Olive’s still popping on most stretches offering afternoon dry fly fishing, and Sallies starting to pop on the extreme lower river, we made a run down thier and found water temps to be in the mid 50’s in the morning, the streamer bite is on! Book your float trip today call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559.

5/21/13 Grey Reef and Miracle Mile continue to fish very good…got some much needed rain the past 24hrs, lower Grey Reef a bit muddy but just got back from running Andy out to his clients and the lower is clearing up fast, upper Grey Reef looks good, Andy reports back early this a.m. says the fishing is lights out, plenty of blue wings hatching and a sunny warm weather. Wanted to take a sec and clear up some questions often asked by new customers…we get asked if we let clients keep fish, the answer is “yes” but we don’t keep any females and your limit depends on the stretch of river we float that day. We also get asked if you have to be a good fly fishermen to book a trip and the answer is certainly “no”, we take beginners all the time and these beginners catch a lot of fish, recent customer Doug Benson a seasoned angler brought his friend who had never fly fished a day in his life, Doug’s friend landed like 25 trout and was blown away that he could book a trip and just jump in and listen to the guide and catch trout so readily! I recently took two blokes from England on a guided trip and both anglers caught more trout than we could keep track of…our guides are world class instructors and know how to have fun, keep the mood ligh, but effectively teach fly fishing, so if your a beginner on the fence give us a call and we will show you a great way to spend a day on the water with friends. Call GRA at 307-267-2559

5/15/13 Congrats to Kelly (left) on a nice brown trout today! Kelly and husband Dave from Santa Cruz floated the lower river with me and we had a stellar day, trout ate streamers regularly and of course the nymph fishing was lights out. Moss is coming up fast but had zero effect on fishing, hope the flows come up soon, we are at 950cfs on Grey Reef and the water clarity is as good as I’ve seen in years. Remember folks we are only 4hrs north of Denver and we have private North Platte River Lodging available and private boat ramps to keep you away from any crowds, solitude and great fly fishing with the most experienced guides on the river hands down. Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

5/13/13 Your chance for landing a trophy trout on one of our float trips is right now, water clarity is the best I’ve seen in years, and the trout are chasing streamers quite well on certain stretches and the overall fishing has been fantastic. Not to mention we’ve been getting fish to eat the dry fly consistently on the cloudy afternoons on BWO’s. Plan your trip today, just 4 hrs north of Denver, lodging available call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 or click the contact button at the top and email us.
GRA Guide Andy with a brown trout landed on a streamer yesterday.

5/9/13 Clear water, great weather, and fantastic fishing…another 25inch Brown Trout landed by client Rob Rivera! Client Rob Rivera from Sandy, Utah took this 25inch brown on a streamer while on a guided trip on the lower Grey Reef with guide Jason, Rob and daughter Ellie landed several nice fish on the day and had good numbers to the boat. Starting to get some consistent dry fly action. Availability: 1 boat 5/10, 2 boats 5/11, and 1 boat for 5/12…call us today as these wont last long 307-267-2559.

Rob Rivera 25inch Brown Trout

5/3/13 Two words…”DRY FLY”…Today started off with 3 doubles on the nymph rig, clients Ravi and father CK enjoyed a fantastic day on the water.
We fish the nymph rig for a couple hours early then a strong bwo hatch came and we switch to dry flies, immediately we had a double up on the dry flies, fish ate the dry for about 3 hours and after landing a good 15-20 on the dries we switched to streamers and in short order had several doubles on the streamer rigs, ended the day with another 15 or so on the streamers, no monster fish but just solid. Its going to be cloudy today and I expect another great dry fly day!!

Weird thing was while we were smashing fish on the dries we watch other guide boats not even take the time to rig thier clients up with dries, wow would hate to have hired a guide to lazy to even try. But then again it was great for us having all those rising trout to ourselves!

5/2/13 Snow we got yesterday melted and all sunshine today, river is clear all the way to Casper and fishing excellent…Despite the recent moisture water clarity has been great all the way to Casper and beyond. GRA Guide Andy Brust took clients from Gov. Bridge to Roberston Bridge (Casper) and had good to excellent fishing the entire way down. That was a 22mile float for the day, I’d say our clients are getting their money’s worth, most guides are starting later and ending sooner, I call it bankers hours, I just wouldn’t want to be the person paying for a guide trip and getting on the river at 10 and getting off at 3, at GRA you get a full day of fishing. Trout have been eating leeches, scuds, red midges, eggs, crawdads, and bwo’s. We are getting some good dry fly action on the coller cloudy days on bwo’s. Come experience the Grey Reef Anglers difference call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559.

4/25/13 GRA guides hands down are the most well rounded & versatile guides on the river. GRA guides all over the river today, guides at the Mile, some on lower Reef all coming back with good fishing reports. The boys at the Miracle Mile are experiencing great fishing and they are hooking some monster trout. Had one boat floated all the way to Casper on the lower Grey Reef and had a great streamer day. Another boat on the upper landing big numbers of big fish. One guide in particular over the past 4 days has fished different stretches of water each day covering over 48 river miles never fishing the same stretch twice, and having fantastic numbers to the net. That boasts of the overall experience level of GRA guides, don’t get stuck with someone that floats 3miles of river a day and back rows the same hole 40times, no joke I witnessed one guide that took his clients on a 1mile 8 hr float trip and they never even got out of the boat, back rowed the same hole for 8 hours and took the boat out at the same place thy put the boat in! Get a GRA guide and your getting the best experience on the Grey Reef and Miracle Mile period. Video from lower Grey Reef yesterday!

4/23/13 Absolute beautiful day on the water today…After some much needed moisture came to us the clouds lifted and today although cool was really quite nice, again a no wind day on the upper Grey Reef, this time with Ben and Caroline from Traverse City Michigan. Today was a big numbers day, few fish over 20, lot of fish just under 20. Very strong BWO hatch today had fish eating early and often, the bite was strong from 9am until we hit the boat ramp, more doubles on the day than could be counted. Yesterday GRA guides Jesse and Andy earned metals for braving the cold weather and got clients into some good fishing in difficult conditions, thats the GRA diffrence, our guides will fish in all conditions and it pays off as guide Andy had two fish over 24inches in. This cuttbow pictured left taken by Matt being guided by Andy, Matt is about 6’4”tall so you get and idea of how big this fish is, easily 6lbs, congrats Matt great fish! To book your next float trip call Jason or Judi @ 307-267-2559 or hit the contact button and send an email.

4/19/13 Streamer bite is on!…Floated down low yesterday and had a great day on streamers, Jesse and I both caught many fish stripping streamers fast and slow and in many different water types, best colors were white, brown, olive and black. Jesse had two brown trout one a touch over 20inches and the weather was fantastic, day after the storm, ZERO wind and All sunshine! Most of our snow has melted down and by today should be about gone with a high of 50degrees, water clarity was great yesterday and the melt is starting slow today so hopefully we won’t see much color. If you like streamer fishing for big browns and rainbows and want to get on the river with some streamer enthusiasts give Jason a call at 307-267-2559 and we will get you on the fish.

4/18/13 Weekend weather looks great highs mid 50’s Friday, Saturday, Sunday… Water clarity right now is awesome at the Grey Reef and Miracle Mile, the stain from last weeks storm is gone and the water all the way to Casper is very clear. There is some ice in town but forecast in the 50’s all weekend so its gonna warm up nice and the melt will be slow enough to keep water clarity good. Check out this video from a float trip we did at the Miracle Mile the day after the last big snow storm, weather was awesome, always seem to get these type of days after the big snows, calm sunny and warm. Fishing was outstanding, Jim pictured here had 30+trout to the net both days. Call Jason or Judi for your next Grey Reef/Miracle Mile Float Trip 307-267-2559.

April 12, 2013 GRA client feedback: Jason, Brad and I wanted to thank you and Andy for such a great day on 4/12/2013. I think we put up a 100+ fish day. So many fish! Who could count? I’ve previously taken around 5 float trips and Andy was the best guide I’ve had yet. A true professional. Calmly put up with me whacking him once with a rig. Knew every spot on the water with fish. Rowed back so many times to hit a hot run; Well above and beyond. Andy–thanks for the exceptional job. see you next year! Give us a call 307-267-2559

4/10/13 Grey Reef & Miracle Mile both fishing great right now…Just got back from the Miracle Mile, and had an interesting day, the weather was cool but very calm until about 2pm then the snow began again, pictured left is a nice buck rainbow we landed and released in the morning hours…then the bottom picture was us getting drilled by the snow storm. Funny thing was we had fantastic fishing despite the weather…our guides including myself will and often do fish in ALL weather conditions, wind, no wind, cold, freezing, snow…doesn’t matter to us…we thrive in these conditions and at times look forward to bad weather because it drives all the people away and we have the entire river to ourselves! This buck rainbow was over the 24inch mark but what was really remarkable was how deep this fish was top of back to belly, he was so thick it made him look short…more pictures to come. Get with us and get your spring trophy trout trip booked, space is limited, but we do have some openings in April…call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 or email us at

4/8/13 Grey Reef Tailwater producing biggest numbers of fish I’ve ever experienced… Its been 10 plus years I have been guiding Grey Reef/Miracle Mile and I have to say this year we have more fish per mile than I have ever seen and it shows in our daily guide reports. Jesse, Ryan, myself and Matt all had days with clients over the weekend with net totals of 80-100fish to the net for two anglers. Grey Reef in the past has had fish counts of 2000-2800fish per mile, this year we have fish counts of over 7000fish per mile! The best thing is we have not seen any significant drop in overall size from one stretch to the next compared to past years which is a good thing, typically when fish counts go up size drops, but it a credit to how rich this river system is with the aquatic life. Grey Reef Anglers LLC is NOT responsible for any medical bills due to clients catching so many fish thier arms hurt, thats how good it is right now…says head guide Jesse McGregor…get here asap and experience the best guide staff on the river, call 307-267-2559 to book your trip today.

4/3/13 Grey Reef Anglers Clients enjoying some of the best fishing of the season…Not to brag too much but you combine this fishery with the best Grey Reef guides and this is what you get…a ton of very happy customers landing great fish like these. The float fishing here on Grey Reef remains excellent, great spring weather mid 60’s is perfect. Water clarity is excellent, the flows have been bumped up to just over 1000cfs making the boat fishing even better. Guide Jesse McGregor put this nice brown trout in the net for client Chris, it was his first cast of the day and he landed this fish, what a way to start a day! We do have openings if you want to capitolize on fantastic fishing and great personable guides. In April we can get single boats out almost anytime if you schedule about a week out, remember we are the best choice for premier lodging, guides services, and private access on the Grey Reef, call Jason at 307-267-2559.

4/1/13 Flows bumped up a bit…flush is over…Water flows at Grey Reef are up just over 1000cfs, much better for boat fishing than 500cfs, the flush is over, water clarity is great and the fishing is lights out!

3/30/13 Flush is officially over, water clarity at Grey Reef is outstanding, fishing is excellent…I just touch base with head guide Jesse McGregor out on the river with clients floating the Lower Grey Reef and I spoke with his clients at the lodge, Jack and Bill from Boulder, CO both first timers here at the Grey Reef Anglers Lodge and both fellas were super impressed with their guide and the number of large trout they had already landed on the fly. Fish are eager eaters today, Jesse was given the GoPro for the day and we should have some impressive photos by days end. Jesse says the trout are eating midges, worms, bwo nymphs, scuds, and leeches, some fish being taken in suspended water, others right on the bottom. Weather has been excellent and next week’s forecast looks great, mid 50’s to low 60’s, get here we have guide boats available, call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 or email

3/25/13 Flush has river cleaned out and fishing is awesome right now… Guide Andy Brust got Grey Reef Anglers client Tom aka Marv onto this 27inch brown trout this past week…Andy reports back from the river and says the water clarity has returned to normal and fishing is lights out! Andy has been out fishing or guiding for the past month straight and has the pulse of the river. We have guides that are dedicated fly fishermen who’s passion is putting people on great fishing days, combine that with the two great fisheries we guide on and your ready for a fly fishing trip of a lifetime. If your ready and got that spring itch give Jason or Judi a call and book your next Grey Reef Miracle Mile Adventure 307-267-2559 or email us

3/6/13 Clients catching a lot of great fish right now…I have to say the weather is great for March and the fishing is good to great depending on the day…I have to brag up on our guides a bit, they are coming out of the gates this season swinging…this was a feedback email from one of our trips over the weekend.

Dear Jason, A quick note to let you know how much Kaylee and I enjoyed today’s trip. I have fished with many guides and Jesse stands out as one of the best. His professionalism, knowledge of the fish/river, and, passion for fishing was far above expectations – at no time did we feel this was just a business transaction, it was an excellent fishing trip plain and simple.

However, the way he respected my daughter as a fisherman and took her seriously really stood out. We would fish with him anytime. Today’s trip is the second I have taken with Grey Reef Anglers and you have our business. My daughter is already talking about a trophy trip like Dad and I took last fall. We’ll be in touch. Thanks again, Dane.

2/26/13 Trout TV features Grey Reef Anglers streamer fishing the Grey Reef and Miracle Mile Tailwaters. Thanks to Bob and Rich for making a great show. Takes a bit for the action to start but once it does it’s just one fish after another and the film ends with a bang. Enjoy!

2/25/13 Jesse and I went out today and hit the Alcova Dam strentch for a few hours, fishing was slow at first but then a good midge hatch appeared and the fishing picked right up, in an hour we had 6 fish between us, not to bad considering the 40+mph winds, but hey it was sunny and fun!

2/23/13 Grey Reef – Lower River Ice opens up…fishing is good now. Finally the lower river closer to Casper has now opened up and is floatable in the afternoons, guides have been out a bit fishing on their own and guiding some clients that want to get out of the office. Fishing from the sounds of it has been pretty good, especially enjoyable on these bright sunny days…watch the forecast and get with one of our eager guides and get your season underway, call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

1/28/13 Get your Miracle Mile float trips booked soon as we are filling up fast for the 2013 season. Give Jason or Judi a call and we would love to help you put together a great fly fishing vacation here in Wyoming. Call 307-267-2559 or email us.

11/22/12 My clients Clark and Noah of Ft. Collins, CO had a great day on the water, both guys broke the 24inch mark on big brown trout and the fishing was fantastic, we had close to 75 trout to the net between two guys. Clark pictured left here with his 24.5inch male brown also hooked a brown trout that was in excess of 30inches. Both Noah and I witnessed the fish while it was hooked up on Clarks line but like a lot of big trout it ripped out and came unhooked. All of our hearts sank but hey any day you get 24inchers to the net its a great day! This string of trout over 24inches will most likely continue well into December and our guides can put you on them. We have multiple guides with by far the most experience on the Miracle Mile and it shows in the success our clients are having. Book your trip today and call 307-267-2559 or email us at

11/19/12 World Class Brown Trout being caught daily with Grey Reef Anglers…Our guides continue to put clients on fish of a lifetime during the annual Brown Trout run here on the North Platte River. Congrats to Greg with a 25inch Brown Trout, Randy of Brush Colorado with a 24inch Brown and a 25 inch Brown Trout in the same day, and the bread winner is David Potter with a 28inch brown trout. All these bruisers are male Brown Trout CAUGHT AND RELEASED! This stretch of great fly fishing will continue well into December and we have the hardy guides that will take you out no matter what weather conditions are. This past week and into the weekend our guides experienced temperature ranges from just a few degrees above 0 to 62degrees and sunny, either way they are putting clients on big trout! To book your trip today call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

It just happened again…another client lands another brown trout over 25inches!

11/17/12 It just happened again…another client lands another brown trout over 25inches! This time it was Randy from Brush, CO who was the recipient of a trophy class day on the water. Randy landed a 24inch Brown and a 25inch Brown on the same day. Randy was a class act to fish with and had some real respect for the quality of the trout we were catching. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person, congrats Randy! Today was bright and sunny, fish were not caught in huge numbers today but we certainly had the size taken care of early. Give us a call and book your trip today Jason or Judi 307-267-2559

11/12/12 Brown Trout just keep coming in everyday now… To say the fly fishing right now is great is a huge understatement. Today client Doug Benson of Castle Pines, CO had 30 plus trout to the net and got his hands on several world class Brown Trout while floating with our crew at the Miracle Mile. The trout are in frenzy mode with the colder weather and dropping water temps every fish in the river is trying to pack on weight before winter sets in. We had warmer temps on the water yesterday and this weeks forecast looks awesome for fishing. Most of our floats right now are taking place at the Mile But we are still doing a few trips below Grey reef for clients wanting to see both tailwaters. For your next float trip call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 or email us at or simply click the contact button at the upper right side of the page.

11/11/12 Weather COLD! BUT FISHING IS RED HOT!! Today the high temp at the Mile was 19degrees, but when we took the boats out of the water the temp was 2 degrees! However you really couldn’t tell because the fishing was so good it kept both guides and clients busy all day. Pictured here is first time client Brian from Pennsylvania. Brian had a great day with well over 30 trout hooked up and landed numerous trout in the 19-22 inch range including this very colorful Brown Trout. Still quite a few hardy fly fishermen out but we had the river to ourselves as we were the only guide boats out. Despite the cold temps the scenery today was awesome with snow covering all the trees, made for some great pictures. Rain, Snow, or Shine Grey Reef Anglers will put you on the trout, for your late fall and early winter float trips on the North Platte Grey Reef, Miracle Mile call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559.

11/6/12 Float Trips Continue here at Grey Reef and Miracle Mile… Get a lot of calls daily with folks asking if the river is fishable and if we are doing float trips? Fact is this is one of the best months of the entire season to be here and fly fish with us! Brown Trout are starting to spawn, water temps are dropping and fish are hammering everything in sight in preparation for the winter months ahead. Yesterday Guide Jesse McGregor had client Gary Newton in his boat. Gary fly fishes all over the country and does 20 plus guided trips a year and he says yesterday’s fishing with Jesse was the best day he has ever had with a guide period. Gary says they had over 70 hookups and 40 plus fish to the net, for one person! Yikes that’s about as good as it gets. The Grey Reef is low clear and at times a bit weedy but improving daily. Miracle Mile is low clear and not ver weedy at all, BUT the Mile has been extremely busy with fishermen, in contrast yesterday Jesse and Gary didn’t see another boat all day floating from Grey Reef Dam to Grey Reef Anglers Lodge, the solitude is amazing.

10/30/11 Big brown trout are on the move…we have boats available get here while the weather lasts. Yet another trip on the water with nice big colorful brown trout being landed in the net. This time its Ed Marcarelli from New York with a couple real nice male brown trout. Ed spent two days with us and had a day at the Grey Reef with guide Luke and then 1 day at the Miracle Mile with Guide Jason. Both days were productive on midges, pheasant tails, vanilla buggers, hot head leeches, crawdads, and rock worms. We have boats available now with a cancellation from the east coast Hurricane Sandy. Trophy Trout Fishing, Cast and Blast, and Upland Hunting all available in November. Call us today and book your fall Brown Trout float trip, 307-267-2559.

10/28/12 Fishing continues to be excellent…Brown Trout begin Fall spawn in some areas. Fall fishing in 2012 might be the best fall fishing season in the 10 plus years I have been guiding the Grey Reef and Miracle Mile. Water clarity is great, the upper 8 miles at Grey Reef is in fact quite weedy but fishing is good. The lower Grey Reef has little to no weeds and the dry fly and streamer action has been lights out. Brown Trout have in fact started to move into some areas that indicates the spawn is starting. Water Temps at Grey Reef are 54-56degrees depending on the stretch of water your on and the Miracle Mile is holding at 52-53 constant. The Brown Trout are getting some color as the picture left shows Rod from Kentucky with us on a float trip yesterday. We have guides available for both float trips, wingshooting trips, and Cast and Blast options that combine fly fishing and great wing shooting. Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 and Book your Fall adventure Today!

10/20/12 It really doesn’t get much better than right now…Our fly fishing is outstanding right now, and the weather has been and looks to continue to be very nice and warm for October. All of our guides are having great success with clients on all stretches of the Grey Reef and Miracle Mile right now. Pictured left is one such hefty rainbow landed by Ralph, one of our return clients. Trout eating from start to finish on BWO’s, midges, pine squirrel leech, scuds, and Ray Charles in tan and grey flashback. Still getting good dry fly action in the afternoons on the Blue Wing hatch and some great size of fish being landed each day on the streamers! Water temps at Grey Reef still in the mid 50’s during the day so until that drops to 52degrees or below expect the Brown trout spawn to be a couple weeks out, but some fish being spotted in suspect areas so it won’t be long. Take advantage of the great weather, our private access, and our exceptional guides call and book your fall float trip today, contact Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

10/11/12 Streamers, Dry Flies, and Nymphs, ALL working right now…Water is clearer than Ive ever seen it!! That’s right if your floating the North Platte on any of the lower Grey Reef Sections right now you are experiencing unprecedented water clarity, fantastic dry fly fishing…YES dry fly fishing! All that and with the clear water the fish are chasing streamers very well. I was on the river the last two days and have now experienced it for myself, this fall might be some of the most enjoyable fishing on the lower Grey Reef I have ever seen. Imagine being able to see the bottom at 10ft deep, we never have water clarity like that. The best analogy I can come up with is its like a darn aquarium out on the river, you can see all the fish and shelf’s and weed edges, its just real fun right now. We started our day yesterday with 5 drifts and 5 fish to the net in a row, then switch to streamers and nailed 15 plus fish on those, then ended the last three hours of the day throwing dry flies and hammered out another 25 trout on dry flies, YIKES! Doesn’t get much better than that, oh wait it was 70 degrees sunny and no wind, I guess I would call that a chamber of commerce day for sure!

Ralph Newman and Son score just under 100 fish

10/2/12 Ralph Newman and Son score just under 100 fish to the net in two days! Well Guide Andy Brust reports back with 98 trout to the net in two days for father son group. Just about 50 fish a day between 2 clients is what our guides are reporting, might be the best fall fly fishing I have seen in the 10 years I have been guiding the Grey Reef. I’m not sure if its water clarity or just hungry trout but the guides are in overdrive with big numbers to the net and its just gonna keep getting better as cool days will certainly drop water temps a bit. Brown trout being caught over the 24inch mark daily! To book with Andy or any of our guides call Jason or Judi today at 307-267-2559

9/29/12 Another BIG BROWN CAUGHT!! Guide Hooly displays a beautiful brown trout just caught with the Schorger Group. This brown taped out at over 25inches and was over 9lbs on the hand scale. Just another reason you need to get here and grab one of our guides and float the Grey Reef. For your next trip call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

9/29/12 Guide Hooly Henson has 50+fish day with a single client!! Hooly just got off the river and reports back with awesome numbers of trout to the net today. All the guides are enjoying very clear water conditions, good solid streamer action and just a bunch of quality trout to the net! Fall is one of the best times ever for a float trip, call us today at 307-267-2559

9/23/12 Clients are experiencing great fall fishing, flows are back to normal. Grey Reef and Miracle Mile Flows are back down to 500cfs and the fishing is fantastic. Yesterday the boys were up at the Mile, several 20 plus inch fish landed by the Schueller Group, Guide Andy reports back with several very nice brown trout to the net, including this 25 inch brown that is already colored up for the fall spawn a bit early. We will keep you posted on spawn activity for both Grey Reef and Miracle Mile.

We have zero boats available for the remainder of September but we do have slots open in October, and don’t forget November the best fall fishing month by far! For your next float trip call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

9/14/12 Grey Reef Flows continue to drop…fishing excellent! Water temps are dropping with the shorter days and cooler nights, along with that we have had the Bureau of Rec. drop the river below Grey Reef significantly and should be down to winter operating level of 500 cfs within a couple of days, expect flows to drop daily. What this translates to is even better fishing, as fish become more concentrated. More importantly this will congregate all the crawdads, shrimp, leeches, and minnows back out of the weeds and into the main river channels. This large amount of food being pushed back into the mainstream of water that lacks weeds makes for some fantastic streamer fishing. Big articulated flies being ripped through the water column and being smashed by big trout is what we are experiencing. For your next Grey Reef/Miracle Mile Float Trip call Jason or Judi @ 307-267-2559.

9/6/2012 September Fishing is off the hook! One of our guides Jesse had 35 fish to the net and 4 fish over 20inches. Grey Reef is fishing great and no one is out at all, guess everyone is in hunting mode already, Jesse only passed two boats the entire day! Fall is awesome here on the Grey Reef, no people and great fishing. Big flies on the nymph rig were working best and some good fish taken yesterday on the streamer with guide Jason and longtime client John Davis of Vail, CO. Jason says they only fished streamers for 1 hour and had 9 fish and several other fallows, look forward the river dropping and all the minnows and crawdads are going to be forced into areas of the river that have no moss to hide in, turns the trout into absolute carnivores! Get out while the getting is good. For a trip booking or questions please call Jason or Judy @ 307-267-2559

8/23/12 Congrats to Andy Brust on this 27inch Brown Trout! Guide Andy took this big brown recently on a large articulated streamer he tied himself. Andy does a lot of our trophy trout trips and has the big streamers in his box to put you on a fish of a lifetime.

8/22/12 Upper Grey Reef dry fly action…Trico hatch has trout in pods of up to 30 fish strong. This hatch has trout feeding on the surface hard for a couple hours each day and we are taking full advantage, some clients getting trout on dries for the better half of each day. Some clients opting to throw streamers between the hatch. Evening still has a good caddis hatch especially right before dark. Remember we have the most experienced guides and the only lodge with walk out private access on the upper 24 miles of Grey Reef. For your next float trip call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559.

Cool Nights bring on the Tricos

8/20/12 Cool Nights bring on the Tricos…The Trico hatch has become much stronger as these overnight lows drop water temps by just enough to trigger big clouds of tricos hatching. This translates to good dry fly action in places where the tricos congregate after expiring. Best dry action has been from 9:30 to noon. Luke floated the upper 8 miles of Grey Reef last night and had good success in places that were weed free and not choked off by moss. Trout have been packing into pods of up to 30 fish strong, all feeding on the surface on spent tricos.
Brown Trout on articulated streamer
North Platte River Grey Reef 30 miles below the dam.

8/18/12 Grey Reef Section fishing report…this last week on the Grey Reef has been up and down, the fishing is great, but on some days, due to fluctuation of Grey Reef Res. we are experiencing high volumes of floating moss and debris. Some days this week not too bad and anglers are dealing with the moss and catching plenty of fish. On the bad days we have opted to take clients to the better water, the Miracle Mile, this stretch is clean, quiet and the fishing has been darn good.
Grey Reef Anglers guides work the Miracle Mile more than anyone. Its nice having options on two great tailwater fisheries.

8/13/12 Clark Johnson can’t land the big one…same old story Chris Wilson seals the deal with 24incher on the streamer! This photo is of Chris Wilson AKA “trout slayer” or so the story goes. Being guided by Andy Brust, Clark and Chris had a 50fish day on the lower Grey Reef, Clark lost a fish he says was bigger than the one Chris is holding inb this photo, sounds a bit fishy. Some guys just have a nack for sealing the deal and landing big fish, Chris is such a guy, Clark on the other hand is NOT. Better luck next time Clark! Anyway Grey Reef is fishing great, water is clear, as you can tell clients are having a ton of FUN!

8/10/12 Two Bothers land a double on streamers… The picture left is of two brothers Brent & Brian clients from Breckenridge, CO. Both brothers hooked up these two nice rainbows on big articulated crawdad streamers just below our lodge on the Grey Reef. Streamer fishing has been good, big fish being landed left and right, we got guides going every which direction and everyone is coming back with big smiles on thier faces, I feel we have the best guides anywhere, no contest, but I have to admit I’m a bit bias. These guides work hard, have fun, and really enjoy showing people a great time on the river, oh yea and they put people on tons of fish! Thanks to Luke, Jesse, Hooly, Ryan, Andy, you guys rock!

8/1/12 TJ lands 28inch Brown Trout!…Well lightning struck again today for our guide crew, pictured left here is TJ with a 28inch male brown trout landed and carefully released, TJ is 14 years old and today on a guided fly fishing trip with his dad, Wade and Brother Dustin and good friend Al. TJ was being guided by one of our guides Jesse McGregor and on the very first cast of the day hooked up with this monster brown trout. To the testament of both guide and angler the big brown gave up a great fight, nearly 5 minutes of running around the river before Jesse safely netted this 28incher! It was TJ’s second day ever fly fishing and landed this fish on a 5wt rod with 2X tippet. At first glance I guessed the trout to be 26inches but his girth was so big the fish looked shorter than it was and when the tape measure came out it measured 28inches, wow! CONGRATS TO TJ AND JESSE on a fish of a lifetime! To book your next float trip call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 or email us at

7/30/12 Lower Grey Reef sections continues to fish great…Pictured left here is TJ from Florida, TJ is 14yrs old and on vacation with his Dad and brother and it was his first ever day of fly fishing. TJ and his brother Dustin really caught on to fly fishing quick, they had 24 fish to the net by lunch time as beginners, this fish TJ tried to hold for the picture just wouldn’t hold still so I held it up for his picture but its his rainbow, way to go TJ! Most of our fish today were caught dead drifting a custom crawdad pattern, all of the big trout today took the crawdad under the indicator. Hooly and I were the only two boats on this entire stretch of river, it awesome to have great fishing and SOLITUDE. Get your son or daughter on the water this year and have some fun!

7/24/12 Grey Reef upper fishing very slow, lower Grey Reef below Government Bridge fishing very good…moss on the upper river getting bad, fishing the top 10 miles below Grey Reef Dam is slow, guide Jesse yesterday floated the upper 12 miles down to our Grey Reef Lodge below Government Bridge. Jesse said early in the day they landed several 20inch trout but from lunch time on was fishing slow, then again slow to us is a bit different than most rivers, Jesse ended the day with 23 to the net. Meanwhile the lower Grey Reef from our lodge downstream to Bessemer Bridge is fishing quite well, this section has better faster water than the upper 10 miles, is less mossy and lends itself to much better summer time fishing. A good example is this fish pictured left taken by guide Ryan on a streamer. To book your next Grey Reef float trip call Jason or Judi @ 307-267-2559

7/20/12 Few Tricos coming off… in the morning hours at the Miracle Mile right now we have Tricos hatching, our clients continue to have stellar days floating the Miracle Mile, the latest group from Layfayette, Colorado enjoyed a day filled with big trout eating all day long. Client Randy and John both had fish that reached the 23inch mark and Randy had one very nice brown trout to the net. Guide Jesse said he had one client that hooked and nearly landed a brown trout that exceeded 10lbs, too bad the bruiser came unhooked just short of the net.
Autumn with a recent trout caught on a dry fly.

Miracle Mile produces big browns

7/16/12 Grey Reef water drops, water even clearer, Miracle Mile produces big browns… Water levels have settled a bit, slight drop at Grey Reef from 3500cfs to 3000cfs and the Miracle Mile flows have come down from 2000cfs to 1000cfs. What does all that mean for the fly fishing, well the Grey Reef water clarity actually got better and consequently the streamer action is fantastic right now. The Miracle Mile water level drop has made the dry fly action better as there is more slack water and the trout are surely looking up in certain areas. Guide Jesse McGregor pictured left here with a recent brown trout his client landed is a great example of the quality of trout being caught by our guests.

Water temps at the Mile are in the mid 50’s and the Grey Reef seeing some low 60’s, thankfully we are situated behind these dams and we have really nice cold water for these trout as many other not so fortunate fish have. As reports of drought and high water temps grip the west, my suggestion is you concentrate your efforts behind these great tail water fisheries. To book your next Grey Reef or Miracle Mile float trip call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559.

7/11/12 Miracle Mile & Grey Reef stretches continue to produce big trout… Pictured left is Bill from North Carolina with a very nice rainbow he landed yesterday with us while on a guided float trip on the Miracle Mile. The fishing has continued to be excellent across the board, with good early morning dry fly fishing, then some big fish being caught during the heat of the day on nymphs. We have been experiencing all day dry fly fishing when we get some cloudy days, Jesse one our guides has spent a lot of days only floating short stretches of river because the dry fly action has been so good. This is a great time of year to be fishing because you can catch trout on dries, streamers and nymphs each day on the water with our guides. To book your next North Platte River adventure call 307-267-2559 and talk to Jason or Judi.

7/5/12 Dry Fly Fishing remains excellent…Overall fishing is great right now, so many options on where and when and how you want to fish. We have two stretches of river right now that have been excellent for dry flies, and another section that has been consistently producing big trout on streamers. We have guides ready to show you a great time, call 307-267-2559 and book your trip today.

7/2/12 Dry Fly fishing everywhere! Guided clients and fished dries all day at Grey Reef Yesterday, PMD’s, Sallies, Hot weather but water temps in high 50’s. Also have a couple slots open for our Miracle Mile Canyon Run on the Giant Golden Stone Hatch. Our Guide Ryan Stefek had 40 plus dry fly takes yesterday between two clients, and it was one clients first ever dry fly experience! Get here asap we have lodging, private access, and the guides who know where and when the BEST dry fly fishing is. Call or email today the Golden Stones will only last another 10-14days. Book with Grey Reef Anglers 307-267-2559 Jason or Judi.

6/25/12 Hatches pick up steam with added heat…To say its been hot is a slight understatement, we have been beating the heat with early start times and wet wading when possible to cool down from these mid 90degree days. Hatches are starting to really pick up, yellow sallies strong on the lower river, with caddis driving fish to the surface for some great dry fly action! We did a day light to dark run yesterday and had mixed success. As you can imagine things were real good in the morning, landed 5 brown trout all on streamers, then added this big 23 inch rainbow pictured left on the nymph rig, this fish ate a crawdad pattern deep, the late evening streamer bite was off but then again we had trout rising to dry flies everywhere, but my clients wanted to stick it out and chuck the big streamers and try for that trophy instead, good for you guys! However we could have caught a large number of fish on dries, we will be back tonight to get them. Overall fishing at both the Miracle Mile and the Grey Reef are good to excellent. For your next float trip call Jason or Judy at 307-267-2559

6/22/12 Streamers producing brown trout daily… why is this significant? The Grey Reef tailwater from Grey Reef Dam downstream to Casper, WY has a population density of brown trout that ranges from 2%-6% brown trout, all other trout are either rainbow, cutthroat, or cuttbow. Despite these low percentages of Brown Trout we have been experiencing days lately that have been producing brown trout with more regularity, no doubt due to the way we are fishing. Streamers yesterday produced two browns, the smaller of the two pictured left here with John of Lafayette, Colorado.

John also hooked up a much bigger brown yesterday that jumped twice and eventually shook his streamer fly loose. Summer is one of the very best times for a true trophy brown trout to be taken on a streamer. Although Grey Reef’s percentages of brown trout are small, many of these brown trout exceed the 25inch mark.
For your chance to catch one of these great fish give Jason or Judi a call 307-267-2559 and book your next float trip.

Casper Cutthroats Baseball Player make splash

6/19/12 Casper Cutthroats Baseball Player make splash…Just got off the river and the trout are eating everything in sight, had two absolute beginners today, never touched a fly rod, we had 30-35 hookups and 20 plus trout to the net! One of the better fish of the day was caught by Clayton Truex of the Casper Cutthroats Baseball Team, he was accompanied by his father Greg on a fathers day gift from his mother Carol. Clayton pictured left here took this nice cutthroat trout on a crawdad pattern, Clayton kindly released this cutty back to the North Platte River. You can Catch Clayton and the Cutthroats Baseball Team tonight in action versus Loveland in some very entertaining summer baseball, game starts at 6:30pm here in Casper. For your next float trip and lodging call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559

6/16/12 Dries, Streamers, Nymphs are all producing…I love this time of the year at the Grey Reef as you have so many techniques that work well for putting clients on trout. Yesterday I floated from our Grey Reef Lodge downstream to Bessemer Bridge, didn’t see a single boat the entire day, my clients just got off the San Juan River where you see 20boats upstream and down the entire day, well NOT here, it’s a case of fantastic fly fishing and supreme solitude. All of our guides are experiencing good fishing but the lower Grey Reef has been offering up big brown trout on streamers, we got two of those big boys yesterday as Tony Hansard from Texas had his hand at some hard fighting trout chasing the streamers right up to the boat! We also have been taking trout on dries as well as the nymphing rigs. Great Caddis hatch on the lower river last night as we took trout on dries right out the back door of our lodge. Call Jason or Judi to book your float trip today, remember we have lodging overlooking the North Platte River along with Private Access and Private Boat Ramps. Call 307-267-2559

6/12/12 Trout TV on ABC…just finished a two day TV shoot with the boys from Trout TV, a special thanks to Rich and Bob for all the hard work they put in, and thanks Rich for letting me catch a few fish as well. Grey Reef Anglers will be seen on Trout TV in February, we had several big trout taken on the streamer, including a big male brown trout Rich caught at the Miracle Mile, I will post air dates as we get closer…

6/6/12 Dry Fly Fishing has officially began…Two of our guides were out yesterday and report that the fishing was fantastic, they also reported that in a one hour period yesterday in a specific spot on the river they combined had a dozen trout eat a hopper and or a Yellow sally dry fly. Hopper takes in June? They also said they had several other fish flash the dry fly but not take it. I think the dry fly fishing this year is going to be incredible if we are already getting fish on hoppers in June! To get in on this early dry action call Jason or Judi to book your float trip today, remember we have lodging overlooking the North Platte River along with Private Access and Private Boat Ramps. Call 307-267-2559

6/3/12 Grey Reef Tailwater is fishing fantastic…TROUT TV ARRIVES…Both the upper and lower stretches of the Grey Reef Tailwater all the way to Casper are fishing great right now, we are experiencing average flows for this time of year (3500cfs) and water clarity for us is very clear. This time of year it always happens, folks call about trips and the first question they ask is “are you guys blown out from runoff” well just to set things straight we rarely get blown out on these tailwaters. In fact I have never even witnessed the Miracle Mile blown out, it simply doesn’t happen. So this time of year is a great time to check out our clear waters, grab one of our guides and experience the Grey Reef and Miracle Mile from a drift boat. My clients have been really enjoying the combination of getting to float the Miracle Mile as well as the Grey Reef during their fly fishing vacation here in the Casper area. NOTE: Trout TV is coming to Casper to shoot a show with us (Grey Reef Anglers) on Streamer Fishing the North Platte River at Grey Reef & Miracle Mile, we are hosting a dinner party at the Lodge, meet and greet the host of Trout TV, and eat some great food the night of June 12th. If you are interested in attending or want to book a float trip please call Jason or Judi @307-267-2559

5/31/12 Grey Reef Fishing Report…guides and clients alike are enjoying some fantastic weather and great fly fishing. Today it’s supposed to be 80degrees. The hatches on the upper Grey Reef are Blue Winged Olives (BWO’s) and midges. On the lower Grey Reef below our Grey Reef Lodge we have several hatches going on including some PMD’s (Pale Morning Duns), BWO’s, Evening Caddis and yes a few Yellow Sally Stoneflies are starting to show up in better numbers. Fishing on both sections is very good right now with the better streamer fishing being on the lower river. We just finished up guiding the Barry family group, new comer Dillion who is 11yrs old took the Grey Reef by storm on day one of three days and had over 10 trout to the net on his first ever day of fly fishing. It’s a real testimony to our guides and their experience level when they can take an 11yr old boy and put him on fish all day, guides Jesse, Hooly, and Luke all put in fantastic days with this group and my hats off to them and the effort they put out to keep clients having fun and catching lots of trout on the fly rod. To book your Grey Reef Trip Call Jason or Judi @307-267-2559 today, we have guides available to show you a great time on the water.

5/24/12 Grey Reef/Miracle Mile continues to fish extremely well…Our guides are using small flies and fishing the slow water and its paying off. Clients are enjoying 40-60 hookups a day per boat and the trout are fighting harder each day, its kinda hard to explain but as these water temps get up into the low fifties the trout begin to experience rapid growth combined with the perfect combination between cool water and great dissolved oxygen supply…the result is a bunch of fish that rip line off reels when hooked up and many bent hooks and broken lines, exactly what we are experiencing now! My personal opinion is that June might be the best overall time to fish the Grey Reef because the fish are super strong and fight harder than during the spawning period; in addition the streamer bite begins to pick up. Flies: blood worm, bwo emergers, bead head split nymph, rhinestone, Kado midge, Murphy midge, crystal midge, all working great! Starting to pump fish with PMD’s in them so it shouldn’t be long and the PMD and Yellow Sallies will be poppin. Availability: We May 29-31 open, We have some availability the first three weeks of June, call for specific dates. Jason or Judi 307-267-2559

Wow the fishing is just getting better each day

5/19/12 Wow the fishing is just getting better each day…despite the higher flows the fishing at the Grey Reef is amazing right now, today we had three boats out and each boat had big numbers and big fish. Dan Morgan of Colorado in Guide Hooly’s boat landed a 23incher along with his son they both had just a great day. The trout started off eating red midge larva and bwo nymphs and by days end were eating leeches and blood worms. The Grey Reef has good clear water all the way downstream some 40miles. We have been floating down below our lodge facility and the streamer bite has been fantastic.

5/16/12 Miracle Mile/Grey Reef Combo Trips…Trout are off the spawn and moving. The fishing has been great, both at the “Mile” and Grey Reef have been fishing excellent, the trout are done spawning but now it’s the sucker spawn that is in full swing. We pumped trout stomachs yesterday and everyone had sucker eggs in them. Also we have had some sporadic Yellow Sally activity on the lower Grey Reef. STREAMER bite has been very good on all sections especially if you’re using the right colors, moving a lot of fish! I was at the Miracle Mile yesterday and Robbin one of my clients pictured left here caught several rainbows like this all from the drift boat. We caught fish on bow river buggers, crawdads, leeches, bwo’s, and red midge larva. The trout have no doubt come off the spawn and moved into much less fished waters, I’m noticing a lot of guides and regular fishermen struggling to catch fish…remember trout move to slower water after the spawn to recuperate from much energy spent. Our guides and myself have been very busy, boats out every day, all having great success, we have some availability during weekdays but no open weekends until June 2,3. Give us a call and get your dates nailed down for June, remember June is our PMD and Yellow Sally month and some good dry fly action takes place. Call Jason or Judi @ 307-267-2559

5/11/12 Nymphing & Streamers both producing great fish on the lower Grey Reef…OurClients are just having a ton of fun with the fly fishing options we have right now on the lower river, lately I have been putting in on the river at our private boat ramp and floating 12 miles of the lower Grey Reef. The trout down low are big and healthy coming off the spawn, both nymph fishing and streamer fishing is producing nice big fish. Today my clients Colton and Jon from Eagle, Colorado caught fish on the entire float from ramp to ramp without seeing another boat the entire day! You can have fantastic fishing but to have both solitude and fantastic fishing is becoming more and more rare these days, we are truly spoiled with the private access and lack of boaters down low. You can have all the wade access you want on the upper 8 miles of Grey Reef but with 40 plus boats a day floating right over the top of your indicators it doesn’t do you much good. I’ll take the lower river solitude any day.
Note: One Prime Opening May 25 just came available for multiple boats, give Jason or Judi a call to book your trip at 307-267-2559

5/8/12 Grey Reef and Miracle Mile Tailwater Float Trips… All of our trips are going great, guides Jesse, Hooly, Luke, and Ryan just got off the river and all 4 boats having great success on both the upper river Saturday, and lower river Sunday and Monday. Monday was especially nice as we enjoyed the entire lower river at Grey Reef to ourselves, didn’t see a single boat all day! The Grey Reef flows have settled out at 1750cfs, that influx has put off some of the blue wing hatches but still a strong morning midge hatch. The trout our guides are putting clients on are real healthy coming off the spawn and we are in that transition period where most if not all the fish are done spawning and moving into areas of the river with less current to recover from energy spent on the spawn. Our guides are finding fish very spread out in all water types and the mini rig is becoming very effective for certain types of water. This picture left was of a nice trout landed and released Friday by guide Ryan, he and his clients enjoyed a great day floating the Mile Friday. Trout are eating a true mixed bag of things right now including, scuds, midges, caddis larva, bwo’s, even a few sally nymphs showing up in the fish pumps. Give us a call at 307-267-2559 and line up your combination Grey Reef / Miracle Mile float trip.

5/4/12 Flows bumped up at Reef to 2500cfs and Freemont Canyon…Flows went up yesterday at the Reef to 2500cfs and Freemont went to 2000cfs. The Grey Reef water clarity remains excellent but Freemont might be a couple days clearing out as we had a guide fishing Freemont yesterday and when the flows came up the water clarity went to chocolate milk, however this should be cleared out quickly. Fishing the Mile and Grey Reef remains excellent with our clients having spectacular days.

4/29/12 North Platte River produces another great day…all of this weekend’s trips went awesome with clients across the board having tremendous days on the water. Hooly who guided for us on the upper Grey Reef today just got off the river and says it was a big fish day for sure, her clients who fish the San Juan and Green River were very impressed with the Grey Reef’s trout size and overall numbers of healthy clean fish it has to offer. We did have one very big disappointment on Friday as my clients and I hit the lower Grey Reef for a day dominated by big fish on streamers, the downside was big winds and Chuck from VA lost a brown trout of a lifetime that came unhooked at the boat, the big brown was in excess of 30inches, sorry Chuck better luck next time on the big brown trout. Saturday Chuck got a crack at big fish with a guided trip from us to the Miracle Mile, this time Chuck and partner Tyler had the upper hand on big fish as both fellas landed very respectable rainbows, the biggest being this big male rainbow that Chuck landed, this fish measured in just under 25inches! Congrats Chuck…too bad you lost the big one the day before, but I would take that rainbow for a consolation prize any day!

Grey Reef very consistant for big trout

4/25/12 Grey Reef very consistant for big trout…Lower river very clear all the way through town, did a quick streamer run late last night and we had good success stripping big flies for trout, fast water seems to be producing the best right now for streamers, but we did take a few fish on small white streamers in slower water as well.

Overall this springs fishing just might go down as some of the best fishing we have seen in years on the Grey Reef, all of our guides and clients coming in with great comments about spectacular fishing! The lower river especially right now is fishing great and we happen to have a private ramp that each day we put on puts us ahead of everyone else.
Give us a call and book your Grey Reef/Miracle Mile combo trip today, 307-267-2559.
Clients wade fishing having a great day!

4/21/12 The lower river continues to produce… we had two boats on the lower river today…our private boat ramp pays off again as we only seen 1 other boat all day! Mike in my boat pictured left here caught two brown trout, this one in the Shoshone Hole on a leech pattern was one of countless trout taken on the nymph rig. Today was the best of all three worlds, big fish, big numbers, NO crowds. A lot can be said for floating 13 miles of river and only seeing one other floater, thats my kind of solitude, which is one thing we go out of our way to do when you hire our guides for a day on the water, solitude, personable guides that know the river like the back of their hand, and a river full of big trout…throw in some awesome weather and its simply paradise for fly fishermen.

4/19/12 Lower Grey Reef is fishing awesome…clear water and big trout best describes what is going on down low below Government Bridge on the North Platte. Luke and I floated our clients from our private access ramp to below the narrows and had a big fish day for sure. The fishing started great right form the first drift with an instant double…the streamer fishing was good as both Jim’s took trout including one brown trout and one rainbow that was 23inches. The trout were eating basically everything we put in the water including leeches, bwo’s, worms, eggs, midges, sally nymphs…you name it and it was on the menu.
Call in sick and get on the water now…call and book your trip today 307-267-2559 and talk to Jason or Judi.

4/16/12 Another great day on Grey Reef…even some dry fly action! The fishing below Grey Reef continues to be excellent this morning was a cool start had a bit of snow over- night, made for beautiful scenery. My clients had 11 doubles on the day that’s how good the fishing was, just amazing fishing we never count fish total but had to be another 60-70 fish day. We even got in on some great dry fly action on blue winged-olives as many trout were up sipping dries, get here while it lasts. When nymph fishing we caught trout on bwo emergers, red midge larva, and eggs. Looks like the spawn is about 50% done, came and went fast this year with the early warm temps.
Did I mention another day on the water and NO WIND, it’s making for a bunch of very pleased customers.

Shorts one day…rain the next…either way the fishing right now is insane…Weather has been up and down but the best part is NO WIND, its been quiet.
All of our trips right now are just going great, just read some of the posts over the past week and you can see how good it is. Call in Sick, Fake an Injury….whatever just get here now and experience the Grey Reef in it’s spring time splendor.

4/13/12 Epic days continue on Grey Reef… Both boats we had on the water today did extremely well, lots of trout eating a large variety of flies for us today including, natural leech, chocolate leech, pal’s, lazy’s, red worm, bwo emergers, bwo flashbacks, hot head leech, and even caught a few on streamers…my clients today Clark and Jerry from Colorado landed more trout than they have ever seen in one day, it was crazy well over 70 trout to the hand between two guys.
Best thing is we had a lot of fun giving each other some good ribbing while enjoying an amazing day on the water, especially all those flies Clark kept breaking off on big fish. Get here now…

4/11/12 Grey Reef weather and fishing can’t be beat! Just got off the river, been floating Grey Reef Dam to Gov. Bridge a bunch and the fishing is awesome right now. Jim my client the last few days landed 10 trout over 20inches today and had one trout that measured out at 23inches. Jim has fished with me for years and he thinks this was the best two days of fly fishing he’s ever witnessed at Grey Reef. I totally agree and the best part is we are not seeing any boats at all, 2-3 boats a day floating to the Bridge and 6-8 a day to Lusby, the river is very quiet. Good a.m. midge hatch fallowed up by a 10am-2pm bwo hatch that we even could have taken a lot of fish on dry flies. Get here now…

our clients are enjoying really nice weather

4/9/12 Grey Reef is on fire! Fishing right now is un-believable, our clients are enjoying really nice weather, like May weather, and having awesome fishing days on the Grey Reef. My client today Paul from Las Vegas, NV had a real big numbers day and caught some good quality trout.
Get here now….
Paul pictured left here displaying a nice trout he caught today on a size 18 bwo emerger. NO WIND the entire day!
As an intermediate level fishermen Paul landed over 35 trout today!

4/7/12 Grey Reef Fishing is crazy good right now! My clients Fran and Jim from Wyoming today just had an awesome day of fishing, we caught a bunch of healthy trout, floated the upper from grey reef dam down stream to government bridge.
Fran landed this nice cutbow to finish the day out, and if I’m right Jim is probably still on the river now as he just couldn’t get enough fish to the net, he landed over 20 himself!

4/2/2012 Spring fishing at the Grey Reef remains excellent!
April 2-6 Bureau of Reclamation is flushing the river, flows will range from 500cfs to 4000cfs, despite flushing flow fishing is good. Lots of spawning fish right now, might be the earliest I have seen the spawn.

4/1/2012 Lots of nice trout, Hooly pictured here to the left took this average sized rainbow on a midge pattern.

3/30/2012 Spawning Activity picking up…Male trout are up building beds and there are a few females up dropping eggs but just a few, great time to get here and catch a huge trout be it brown or cutbow. Getting some feedback from clients on the frontrange, they say they are tired already of the crowds and the combat fishing, well yesterday we had 12miles of river all to ourselves, so give us a call and we will show you some solitude and some awesome fishing. We have just the place for you to stay as well, our lodge right on the river complete with a hot tub and much more. We sell basic lodge packages as well as All-Inclusive packages. Call Jason or Judi @ 307-267-2559

3/26/12 Boats out this weekend did real well, and to believe hardly no wind and 75degrees. We actually slept with the windows open on the house last night, insane! Grey Reef scheduled for a flushing flow from April 2-6, despite the flush we have plenty of good fishing and plenty of other places to fish that produce trophy trout. On the water the next three days so I will have a more detailed report soon. Over the weekend the guys did well on midges & leeches.

3/22/12 Flush Scheduled for April 2-6. Weather is amazing low 70’s get here while it lasts. Fishing has been great.
3/20/12 Grey Reef Report: Got a bit of snow last night melted fast, all gone now, river is a bit muddy but should be clear by morning, expect fishing to be great as temps are awesome for March fishing, give us a call we will get you on the river this weekend, 307-267-2559.

3/13/2012 Grey Reef Float Trips? Whats it like in March? Expectations? Just want early bird clients to have some understanding of what to expect this time of year on the Grey Reef. If your within driving distance of Casper, WY then picking the right day and watching the forecast is important. Unless you relish fly fishing in 65+mph winds, call us or for a weather update, often what is predicted for Casper is NOT what is reality at Grey Reef. I call this the Grey Reef anomaly, often times you leave Casper in the am, wind howling, only to drive out to Grey Reef, some 20+miles upstream and find the winds dead calm, sunny and great conditions for float fishing. This isn’t the case every time but it happens a lot. Secondly March float trips can offer some great fishing opportunities for large pre-spawn rainbow trout. I had a client call and tell me that he called another outfitter and they claimed that mid march was the peak of the spawning rainbows, thats completely false. Most of our trout spawn each year in April and May and the peak of the spawn generally is the last week in April first week in May depending on water temps. Mid March finds most fish in slow tail outs and water that is much more related to winter habitat, deep slow runs. Most fish, not all, tend to fight much less this time of spring as well. Better off waiting until at least April 1 to let water temps climb and get the most bang for your buck when paying for a float trip. Expectations? March fishing varies day to day like any time of the year but most of the time between two guys floating with a competent guide you should expect to hook up 20-30 trout, but its fishing and much of it depends on angler experience.
Outfitters boasting 100+ fish days are over exaggerating what is reality.

2/22/12 Fishing on the Grey Reef has been consistent with some great days especially when cloudy, if weather isn’t a concern for you then we have some great pre-spawn float trips going on right now.
Contact us @ 307-267-2559 or email us at

When Is the Best time to fish Grey Reef/Miracle Mile

2/22/11 When Is the Best time to fish Grey Reef/Miracle Mile? That’s a question we hear a lot from perspective clients, and the answer is whenever you get the opportunity, in fact we are doing trips now and the fishing has been good. At GRA we are blessed with awesome fishing guides and they are able to put you on trout year round on the Grey Reef & Miracle Mile. The question I always ask clients is what type of weather do you like to fly fish in? The answer to that question will often determine the time of season you want to book your float trip. The fact is if weather isn’t a factor to you and your prepared for whatever weather conditions might exist then get here now and experience the river all to yourself. Take a second and take a look at what I use as a general guideline for our season, then you decide what time is best to come fish the North Platte River.

March – May
By far the best overall time of year for numbers of trout to the net. Unpredictable weather, but who cares when your catching that many trophy trout!

June – August
Weather is much nicer and dry fly fishing is great, especially the hoppers & stoneflies!
Great time for huge trout on streamers as well. This time of year produces more huge brown trout than any other time period.

The forgotten season that produces huge fish and again big numbers of trout like in the spring. The big attraction of coarse is the brown trout spawning and the great streamer action as a result.

2/8/12 Grey Reef Anglers April Lodging Update. Spring lodge dates are filling quickly, have two prime spots open they are April 7,8 – up to 6 guests and April 14,15 – up to 4 guests. Day trips available upon request. Go to our Contact Page to send us an email or call 307-267-2559.

February/March Float Trips – watch the weather pick your day we have guides ready and available for our special early bird day float trips for the Grey Reef and Miracle Mile.
Early Bird Float Trip Special – $300/two people, $275/single Offer good from February 1 – March 31, 2012.Includes Private Access, Lunch, Flies, Rods if needed, basically show up and we can outfit you if needed. Comes out to $150/person for a full day guided trip, can’t beat that.

1/10/12 North Platte River Water May Be Released Early. Bureau of Reclamation Officials are considering releasing water from the reservoirs upstream of Casper as early as February. An article in the Casper Newspaper explains… link to article.

What does this mean for fishing and how will it affect our season? This is potentially a good thing as it would limit the likelihood of experiencing the same off-the record flows we had last year and could make the flows on the North Platte at Grey Reef much more consistent for the season. Consistent is just what “trout” respond to in our tail waters. The more consistent the flows remain the better the fishing tends to be, when flows on the North Platte are drastically changed this tends to slow the fishing down with the exception of our fall drop which typically creates some amazing streamer fishing. If water is released early I am hopeful that flows will at least remain down so the river stays inside its banks, which is good for everyone. We will keep you posted as river conditions change throughout the season.

12/19/11 Warm Winter & Gift Certificates Available. Grey Reef Anglers & Wingshooting has plenty of great gift certificates available for purchase for this Holiday Season, if your thinking of giving someone a gift what better than a guided fly fishing trip or wingshooting adventure. Call Jason or Judy @307-267-2559.
We are having a real warm start to winter with little to no moisture, after back to back hard winters its kinda nice to enjoy a warm one. Just hope we don’t start slipping into a drought. We are however filling up our 2012 Season dates for fishing so if your planning on fishing with us please gives us a call or drop us an email and let us know what your plans are. Hope your all having a great day!

Fly Fishing Season not totally over yet

12/1/11 Fly Fishing Season not totally over yet. Thats right some clients are taking advantage of some warmer than usual temps and getting out on the river for some late fall early winter fly fishing. Late Fall winter months often produce some of the biggest trout of the year as water flows are low and fish are concentrated in the deep holes and in the middle of the runs. If you have that fishing itch and just want a guided winter fishing trip give us a call and we will put you on a great day of fishing. Call Jason or Judy @ 307-267-2559

10/21/11 Grey Reef & Miracle Mile -Fall fly fishing at its best! What more could you honestly ask for, cool crisp mornings, warm days, fall colors on the trees, and a big trout chomping down on your streamer. Our float trips have been nothing short of spectacular with fantastic weather (NO WIND) and awesome fishing! Charlie pictured here just took a float trip with us and booked our daylight to dark trip package, they had a 45 fish day between two anglers and took this nice cutbow on a streamer. Get here soon as the weather is very pleasant. To book your trip today call Jason or Judy @ 307-267-2559

10/16/2011 Fall is here and the fly fishing is fantastic! Our Guide Tyler had a 60 fish day yesterday and had 9 fish breaking the 20 inch mark, of those 60 to the net they had 20 of them eat a fast stripped streamer! It’s arrived, fall the time of year for crisp cool mornings and warm days and for Monster Brown Trout. Those saught after bruisers are just about two weeks away from spawning and we are starting to just see a few male browns begin to get some spawning color on them. Fall float trips are always available and we have the guides to put you on the fish, give Jason or Judy a call at 307-267-2559

9/8/2011 September Fishing is off the hook! One of our guides Tyler broke in his brand new boat today in style, 45 fish to the net and 4 fish over 20inches. Nice work T and nice boat by the way. Grey Reef is fishing great and no one is out at all, guess everyone is in hunting mode already, Tyler only passed one boat the entire day! Fall is awesome here on the Grey Reef, no people and great fishing. Big flies on the nymph rig were working best and some good fish taken yesterday on the streamer with guide Luke and longtime client David Potter of Vail, CO. Luke says they only fished streamers for 1 hour and had 8 fish and several other fallows, got to love when the river drops and all the minnows and crawdads are forced into areas of the river that have no moss to hide in, turns the trout into absolute carnivores! Get out while the getting is good. For a trip booking or questions please call Jason or Judy @ 307-267-2559

8/28/11 North Platte River on the lower Grey Reef fishing great! Just had another awesome day on the lower again today with clients from North Carolina. It was Bill Hale’s Birthday and he caught a 22inch brown on a white streamer, Happy Birthday Bill! The lower is fishing well, fewer weeds than up top below the dam. It has been great down low especially with the private boat ramp we have gives us first dibs on all the best water before anyone else can get there. Nymphing we have been averaging 30-40 hookups a day between two guys with some bonus streamer fish as well. Fall is just around the corner we have limited to no availability in September, October is filling fast so if you’re thinking about a trip in October I would call soon. For a trip booking or questions please call Jason or Judy @ 307-267-2559

August 21 Grey Reef Tail water fishing great!

Our guides are dialed in and clients are catching a lot of quality trout right now. We have had a great August thus far, being on the river non-stop and the fishing is really good right now. The streamer action at times has been a bit slow but yesterday we woke up to thick overcast conditions and until about 11am enjoyed a lot of trout chasing our streamers. Light conditions play a big role in streamer success. We were running tandem sets of streamers with big black as the lead streamer and dropping a nice RJ Crawdad pattern off the back. I can say this the fishing is not easy for people just going on their own, talked to several rental boats with guys in them saying that this river is hard to fish at this level. They are right and that’s why having guides like us that are on the water every day keeping up with the subtle changes is vital to getting our clients into 40 plus fish days. On the nymph fishing side of things we have been averaging 40-50 hookups a day for two people and a lot of heavy healthy cuttbows, rainbows, and the occasional brown trout. We have been getting more browns to the net than I ever remember, maybe a population increase? That would be welcomed. The dry fly fishing has been hit and miss with one day producing several fish and the next nothing. To book your next North Platte River float trip call Jason or Judy @ 307-267-2559